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  1. Donna Murphy

    timer switches

    hey does anyone have a good suggestion of what kind of timer ineed for my 600watt 250volt hps light, have purchased 3 already an none support the light, so having to do it manually which isnt always viable!!
  2. Donna Murphy

    do you water an feed in dark period

    thanks for the advice, much appreciated...
  3. Donna Murphy

    do you water an feed in dark period

    im growing with hydro ebb an flowsystem
  4. Donna Murphy

    do you water an feed in dark period

    hi im wondering do you water an feed in the dark period, im unsure of this,, and am getting ready to start flowering.. would like some fed back
  5. Donna Murphy

    really? whats it for?? do you care to share? aw ive noticed that bout advice ive been givin by...

    really? whats it for?? do you care to share? aw ive noticed that bout advice ive been givin by people i research it all, but as i say i am a newbie to this.. the girls are looking bit better, not flowering yet for another couple of weeks as there different breeds i want them all to be of good...
  6. Donna Murphy

    aww there four weeks today!lol.. should bake them a cake!lol..

    aww there four weeks today!lol.. should bake them a cake!lol..
  7. Donna Murphy


    the 2that shrivelled are goners.. heart broken!!! had to remove them from setup. haveanother 2looking dry, and one kinda yellow looking.. think yellows a mg going to add epson salts. asfortheothersimnot surechangedwater an imjust hoping they comeright again
  8. Donna Murphy

    not looking her best.. anyone got any ideas how i can help her?

    im feeding with canna aqua veg.. half an hour every 6 hrs.. had been doing it every 4 but thot was to much.. room temp is good. plants are just under four weeks old, germed from feminized seeds reputable source. going to go up to half strength can i add epson salts to the mix? been using the...
  9. Donna Murphy

    not looking her best.. anyone got any ideas how i can help her?

    1st pic is the one i think is yellow.. some others have spots, changed the water ther to see if it helps.. any inpput will be much appreciated
  10. Donna Murphy

    not looking her best.. anyone got any ideas how i can help her?

    im using hydro.. in rockwool medium, gona try an get better pics
  11. Donna Murphy

    not looking her best.. anyone got any ideas how i can help her?

    having bother with my plants as few days 2 just shriveled up an died leavig 10 healthy, then today this one was looking yellow, using ebb an flow canna veg at 1/4 strength, hps 600watt 20/4.. ph is fine... perplexed an worried bout my babies
  12. Donna Murphy

    ebb an flow something went wrong!!!!

    hi using ebb an flow system, canna veg nutes at 1/4 strength, hps lights 600watt, at 27/7, feeding every 4 1/2 hrs for half an hour.. plants were fine until went in today and 2 plants were dried an dead looking the others were grand. im perplexed
  13. Donna Murphy

    they were doing great, until today 2 of them were shriveled an dead looking but the rest are...

    they were doing great, until today 2 of them were shriveled an dead looking but the rest are fine started a new thread with pics, im dumbfounded but still have hope for my other girls
  14. Donna Murphy


    yes the can be removed, put them in dark period now, to give them break from light an heat.. will rwemove them wen lights going back on an give them just water see if this helps... thanks for ur input btw
  15. Donna Murphy


    there differnt strains both those plants are big bud, plant in the middle of that beam is fine so doubt is due to pipin beam!! maybe will cut down the watering an start a lighting of 20/4.. see if they csn be saved and the others kept well.. im also using aweak nute solution which was advise by...
  16. Donna Murphy


    i hope i find out, luv these wee babies... they were checked at 4.30 today, they were fine at that stage checked them again at 9, an thats the way they were, rockwool was kind of dry, the pump didnt go off, due to tank level.. but the rest were still damp enuf.. black plastic is necessary to...
  17. Donna Murphy


    yeah i just took it out, its of no relevence, was checking to see if water was getting down the pipe.. they are fecked, is there any chance of rescue?
  18. Donna Murphy


    set at 30 mins every four an half hrs
  19. Donna Murphy


    i pulled the rockwool up to see if it was dry if thts wat you mean? any clue wtf happened an why it didnt happen to the rest??