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  1. P

    Time to start the flush? Kali Mist (pics)

    Hi. It seems that one of the plants turned hermi. I already removed the nanners. My idea is to flush for one week and harvest all of the plants. I hope that one week is not enough for the plants to get pollinated and develop seeds. I tried a test bud from the hermi and it already couchlocks a...
  2. P

    Time to start the flush? Kali Mist (pics)

    I already have a magnifier. That's how I know there are around 15-20% transparent trichomes. The thing is I don't know how fast the trichomes change color in a Sativa dominant plant (Kali Mist is 90% Sativa according to Serious Seeds). "To me they look like typical hybrids" I want to try a...
  3. P

    Time to start the flush? Kali Mist (pics)

    Thanks for the info. So, in my case can you tell the plants are all Sativa pheno? That's what I'm hoping for. They look different, but not by much... And... are they close to harvest? Maybe 2 more weeks? I don't want amber... Thanks.
  4. P

    Time to start the flush? Kali Mist (pics)

    Well, the trichomes are mostly milky and maybe around 15-20% transparent. There are no amber trichomes but I don't want amber anyway.
  5. P

    Time to start the flush? Kali Mist (pics)

    Hi. I have 4 Kali Mist plants in 64-th day 12/12 and I wonder if it's time to start the flush? Here are some pics (day 61 12/12): What do you think? Is it time to start the flush? Also, do you see different phenos? I'm not sure how to recognize the phenos... Thanks :)
  6. P

    Question on Cloning and Reveging.

    Hi. I have 4 Kali Mist plants in Day 48 12/12. After trying buds from every plant I think I have a favorite and I want to keep it. I read in the forums and it seems there are two options: 1. To reveg the original plant after harvesting it. 2. To take clones from the flowering plant and reveg...
  7. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    I think I found another clue. I measured the PH of the solution I watered with last time. Surprisingly it seems to be around 8... That is very strange, because the water I use has PH of around 7-7,5. Also it's strange that I found some kind of particles at the bottom of the bottle the solution...
  8. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Well, they don't seem happier... The problem with the browning seems to get worse really fast. Here are some new pics (Day 40 in 12/12): The leafs on pic 2 and 3 were healthy just before 2-3 days. The browning affects only one of the plants. This tells me that it's not mold. Btw, this plant...
  9. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Hi. I watered with the above solution. I hope the plants will be happier now :) Thanks everyone. IndigoMink, I'll post the results here in a while.
  10. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Hi again. As you say that the P and K deficiency is caused by the high RH, does this mean not to give higher doses of P and K? The plan is to give them higher dose of P and K: Bio-Grow [NPK 8-2-6]: 1ml/l (4ml/gallon) Bio-Bloom [NPK 2-6-3,5]: 3ml/l (12ml/gallon) Green Sensation [NPK 0-9-10]...
  11. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Opps, It seems I have made a mistake converting the measures. It's 1.5 liters (0.40 gallons). And yes, I get run-off. It almost fills the trays. What is top-up watering? .
  12. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Unfortunately, an out vent is not an option because It'll be visible from outside, but I can open the basement door more often with the fan blowing in. As for the day/night period - I did the same. It's dark during the day and the light is on during the night.
  13. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    I'm trying to get it down. Yesterday it was around 70% which is much better than 95%. The plan is to put the dehumidifier on a timer and use it only in the dark period as than the humidity is higher. As of now I don't have an option to use the dehumidifier 24/7.
  14. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Hi. I don't have much time now so I'll just post a new pic: Is this also deficiency? I have to know if it's mold or fungi. If it's not, I don't have to remove the leafs. Thanks a lot for helping. I'll have a look at the posts later.
  15. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    The big oscillating fan is the only one in the basement. The pots are not in a box, but are just surrounded by a hanging white oilcloth. The grow is in a spacious basement and from time to time I let fresh air in by opening the outside door.
  16. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    I doubt it. I usually wait 4 days between waterings and I water when the plants start to droop a little. As the RH is high I'm careful not to overwater, because I fear mold and fungi the most... The grow is in a basement with very poor hygiene and very high RH (that's the price I have to pay...
  17. P

    Some Problems (Yellowing, Browning...)

    Hi. I have 4 Kali Mist plants (LST) and 1 Afghan Kush in day 39 Flowering. There are some problems with them and I'll appreciate any help. Here are some pics: First a general pic (it's just after watering so they are a little droopy): Now the problems: The yellowing of the tips first...
  18. P

    Kali List - leafs yellowing, help

    Hi. Here is a new pic of the plants (Day 7 Flowering): They seem to be droopy, so I watered after making the pic. Right after watering the leafs get even droopier. Is that normal? Usually on the next day after the watering they look fine. I watered on the 4-th day after the last watering. Thanks.