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    Safe bug solution?

    Are you saying 35% H202 65% Water in a spray bottle? Or 30-60ml per liter H202?
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    Age old Bloom is an organic simple one part additive.
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    Yellow tops!!! Help!!!!

    What strength are you feeding at? (EC or PPM) What is the EC or PPM of your runoff?
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    Help meeee

    That definitely looks like magnesium deficiency, what EC or PPM are you feeding at? Just because your nutes already contain it doesn't mean the plant is getting enough. I use Cyco at a slightly lower EC then recommended and just add cal mag also in early flower. If your run off is 6.8 I would...
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    Not sure if my girls will make it

    Personally I would give those babies a much more gentle start. I would wait for twice as many roots to show before potting them. I would put them in a solo cup or small pot of coco so the medium can dry out faster and aerate the roots better. You will waste a ton of nutes keeping that giant...
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    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    That definitely looks like it started revegging in the middle of flower. Either your "auto" is a really weird mutant or it was never really an auto.
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    Mold!!! Can it be? Anybody please help!

    Listen to Cpappa27 if you don't burn sulphur that PM is coming back I'd bet $1000 on it right now.
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    Does this look like a light pollution issue to anyone else?

    Hello, these plants are starting week 4 of flower and all of a sudden I see little leaves poking out of some of the bud sites. The last time I saw this it was because I accidentally jacked up a timer and the lights were popping on in the middle of the dark cycle for an hour. The plants then...