Search results

  1. N

    First Grow: Raspberry Cough and Northern Lights 3 Weeks Veg and Some Questions

    Well, I decided to call it quits on my first (and last) experiment with growing. Especially since I don't really smoke other than on the rare occasional whim if I happen to be around someone who has some, my experiment just started feeling like it's not worth it. For me it just started feeling...
  2. N

    Drying/Smoking the Frosty Leaves?

    Excellent. That's exactly what I had in mind...MFLB. Thanks for all the helpful info, everyone!
  3. N

    Drying/Smoking the Frosty Leaves?

    So why not drying/smoking? I keep hearing the hash thing, but would smoking them not work?
  4. N

    Drying/Smoking the Frosty Leaves?

    I've noticed in posts on here that so many have said come harvest time they just trim off the frosty leaves and pitch them or use them for making hash, but are they not potent enough to dry and smoke themselves? Obviously not as potent as the buds, but to tell you the truth, I'm not used to...
  5. N

    How long does an inline fan/filter take to rid the smell?

    Excellent. Thanks guys. Great info!
  6. N

    How long does an inline fan/filter take to rid the smell?

    I'm not sure necessarily what that all means, but here's what I'm planning to do thus far. Please tell me if I'm going about it wrong. The fan/filter will be here tomorrow. Right now I'm venting to/from the crawl space through the floor. I've got a computer fan on the intake and an identical fan...
  7. N

    How long does an inline fan/filter take to rid the smell?

    How long should a carbon filter/inline fan take to rid the house/room of the stank? I have no concerns on the actual growing area and what's in the air...the fan/filter combo would control a much larger grow area than just the two plants I've got going in a tight space. I'm more concerned about...
  8. N

    Light escaping room

    Weather stripping from Home Depot. Cheap as dirt and works like a charm. You can put it on all four sides of the door or door jam. You may have to push a bit to get the door to closed all the way. On the hinge side I recommend putting it on the door itself but against the small side that...
  9. N

    First Grow: Raspberry Cough and Northern Lights 3 Weeks Veg and Some Questions

    So here are the plants at 38 days from first sprout. As usual, the first three pics are the RC and the last 3 pics are the NL. The RC is now about 13" tall and the NL is between 9"-10" tall. I was away for more than a week and improvised a watering system. They had still dried a bit upon my...
  10. N

    First Grow: Raspberry Cough and Northern Lights 3 Weeks Veg and Some Questions

    Update at 4 weeks from Seed: They're getting thirsty a lot quicker now. Think I'll switch to flower in about 1.5-2 weeks. Again, first three are the RC and last 3 are the NL. NL has definitely stayed squatter.
  11. N

    Anyone have experience with this inline fan and carbon filter?

    Hey Mountain Man...will be interested to hear about it. Especially the noise level. Could you post an update on this thread again once you've had a chance to get it up and running? Good luck!
  12. N

    Anyone have experience with this inline fan and carbon filter?

    This piece I just planned to have running within the room to scrub the smell rather than to exchange air in or out. I have some computer fans set up to intake/outtake in the closet just for fresh air. Since I am using cfls I have no temperature issues. It stays a steady 72-74 ish in there.
  13. N

    Anyone have experience with this inline fan and carbon filter?

    Sounds good. I'll probably pull the trigger on this combo. Are you able to compare the volume of this sucker? I plan to hang it from the ceiling using old rubber bike tubes. I'll have it in a closet that just has drywall separating it from my living room. Currently I have some kind of noisy...
  14. N

    Anyone have experience with this inline fan and carbon filter?

    This option looks great. On their web site ( I saw they offer a fan speed controller for an additional $20. Do you have this? Are these just the same as the regular old dimmers you can get at the hardware...
  15. N

    Anyone have experience with this inline fan and carbon filter?

    Anyone have any experience with this inline fan and carbon filter? Price looks ok and I like the 2-speed option on the fan. I figure I may try hooking it up to my dimmer as well if it is too loud, but I'm not sure if that would work. Fan...
  16. N

    First Grow: Raspberry Cough and Northern Lights 3 Weeks Veg and Some Questions

    Yep. Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil mixed with about 2 cups of regular perlite per gallon of soil. Speaking of those lower leaves, they're getting big but can't get out of the pot since they're so low. Is that a problem? What should I do with/about them, if anything?
  17. N

    First Grow: Raspberry Cough and Northern Lights 3 Weeks Veg and Some Questions

    Hey guys, this is my first time trying to grow anything. I'm 3 weeks into veg on one each of Raspberry Cough and Northern Lights...8x 26w/6500K CFLs. One week ago today they looked like this: Post from last week Pics from today are below. What a difference a week makes. I know they're no big...
  18. N

    Different search results when logged in than when not logged in?

    Has anyone else noticed getting different forum search results once you're logged in compared to if you do a forum search without being logged in? Strangely, the searches I do when I'm NOT logged in actually return more on-target results with the keywords I searched for than the searches I do...