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  1. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    Ill do some readin and check some vids and if I need, I´ll take u up on that! thanks!
  2. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    Thanks for the vid, It made me 100% sure that i had a male. Ive chucked it now, but i pretty sure Ill be able to spot one from now on ;)
  3. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    How do u do that? and does it stress the plant in anyway?
  4. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    Hey thatboy, sry if im spamming u with questions but I was wondering if I should hold off with the nutes a couple of days now that I repotted them?
  5. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    No worries, got two ladies ;) but i chucked the Dude into my open fire :p but til next time its good to know!
  6. Alex88

    Think Ive got a male :(, advice needed please

    I turned my plants about a week ago, and this one turned out to be a male : Im a firsttime grower myself, and everbody said that this one is a male. Just thought u´d wanna see a pic, cuz most of the pics ive seen in the forum looks like screendumps from an old Nintendo...
  7. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    I think im just gonna kill it, this is my first grow, and i dont wanna fuck it up :p besides, my friend have a couple of seeds that I can have for my next try. But IF I were to pollinate one bud, how do I do that? Within what time do the males produce pollen?
  8. Alex88


    damn, ive better up my wattage :p Got like 350 on my two..
  9. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    Fuck it, im killing him off!
  10. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    allright, thanks for the input, thought so..
  11. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    typical that the one in the biggest pot turned out to be a dude...
  12. Alex88


    Looks awesome, I hope my girls turn out half as good :p how many cfls?
  13. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please! could u check the second pic, if its a male? much appreciated. Im fairly certain, but its always nice too have a second opinion from somebody that has been growing..
  14. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    I will, and what would u recommend sizewise?
  15. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    I will, First grow n all, got excited and wanted to pot all my seeds so that I didnt end up with just a male..Ill be repotting this evening. should I carry on with 12/12 or does the plants need some rest or something :p lol
  16. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    Awesome! Ive read a bunch of your threads before, especially your cfl grows, looks wicked so I trust you know your thing ;) Thanks
  17. Alex88

    Repotting during flowering? help and tips please!

    I have three plants, theyve been about a week in 12/12. Due to limited space Ive got one i a big pot and two in smaller pots. I posted pics of the big one in another thread and found out that little fucker is a male! and now im wondering if I can repot the other two that I know is female to...
  18. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    Crap! if I want seeds then? just separate them and let it bloom?
  19. Alex88

    MALE? been looking and comparing but cant be sure..

    Hey guys! I know theres a lot of threads that explain the signs of male and female but Ive been readin and comparing pics and I still cant be sure. this first one is a female, and the second one is the one that im not sure about, what do u think? :
  20. Alex88

    Am I getting a good deal?

    I get 5 g for 500 SEK = 77 bucks. but thats like a couple of thousands miles from youra area.. :p