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  1. J

    male or female

    Oops sorry maybe a 2 weeks it should show some signs
  2. J

    male or female

    Hmmm it kinda looks like my female did when it was in very early stage of flower.... it kinda looked like a ball but the tip end of it had a curve on it and i was think at 1st shit another male but i waited and im glad cause it turned out to be female so i would just wait id say give it about a...
  3. J

    Never heard of or seen before

    I just let the pics speak for themselves but this is only on 2 leaves all the rest are fine oh and i know i have nitro burn sucks but its not a big deal and also the rest of the leaf that you see is fine just that middle part is odd
  4. J

    Organic humus and manure mix

    Ok thats what i thought im still kinda new ive grown before just always got males and i would just pull them up and the female i have now is my 1st female ever so im pretty happy with her right now. Now my next fem im gonna top and do all the other things to get more yield. This was just my 1st...
  5. J

    Organic humus and manure mix

    Well this organics bag was actually only $2 for a 40 lb bag i post a pic im just wondering caus its more like just brown/black sand and some mulch. Its prolly some shit cheap stuff idk tell me what you think through the pic. But either way imma end up using some when spring hits for a veg...
  6. J

    Organic humus and manure mix

    Just a question i decided to not use the miracle grow soil no more its a lil pricey for me im on a budget. Now my 1 female is in the miracle grow doing just fine will post a couple pics. I just got this organic humus an manure mix ratio 0.05-0.05-0.05 i want to have an all natural grow except...
  7. J

    Weird germination

    Im sorry i should have been more specific i dont do the glass of water when i do mine i just soak a paper towel put the seed on it fold it up put it in a sandwich bag and stick it in a dark place for a few days... i guess my way is slower than the other but i dont have to worry about drowning them
  8. J

    Weird germination

    It sounds like its just the inner layer of the shell and it is a brownish and dark brown almost black i usually do mine for around 4-5 days and sometimes a week just to be sure the root is strong before planting
  9. J

    Semi newbie grower

    Ok i appriciate both u guys help i kind of figured thats what it was i just didnt want to use pest control at all im trying to keep it as natural as possible besides all the rain i hav been getting theres no sun light.
  10. J

    Semi newbie grower

    Heres the pics
  11. J

    Semi newbie grower

    Its an inch below 2 ft but it seems happy to me ever since i started the different light cycle its been goin crazy
  12. J

    Semi newbie grower

  13. J

    Semi newbie grower

    I have been growing my 1 plant for a few months and instead of letting it grow and switching to bloom stage i instead wanted to determine the sex sooner then later so i started the 12 hr on off light cycle. I wanted to top and clone it but im not sure if it has to be in veg state or if its to...