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    help anyone ever grow soma diesel

    Growing Lavender Soma #10 and it is amazing shit. Will post pics soon.
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    Rockbud, Lavender or Somango ??

    I grow lavender and its surprises me every harvest with the quality.
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    First Grow EVER

    Looks good, but try and get those lights about an inch above your plants.
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    First Medical Grow

    Its about 3 weeks into flower at this point. I needed to flush the plant after i discovered nute burn, i found that the soil i bought had it inside already. not good, but let me know what you think. here are some pics from over the past 4 weeks. I have 4 large cfl's that i move around daily. I...
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    First Medical Grow

    I'm not using nutes and the tops started rocketing up to the lights. I needed to start thinking about ways to keep this plant short i decided to tie it down. I have added a fermenting CO2 generator.
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    First Medical Grow

    I have a cfl grow in a chest. Its grown from bagseed and was vegging for two months before i started 12/12. This is three days into 12/12.
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    best way to arrange lights

    Is it recommended to place a light that points up at the plant if there isnt much room?