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  1. K

    Can't spot issue

    This is the only strain doing this, here's another pic the issue is with a white widow x ak Top leaves from problem plant Bottom leaves from a different strain in same bucket. The other strain is mystery but it never has issues and grows out of control I end up chopping it to just a few...
  2. K

    Can't spot issue

    Havnt had this happen before. Several harvests but the issue is the leaves half of the leaf finger turning yellow with some spotting. Can't seem to find similar pictures. It starts with half of a finger then spreads from there. Not sure what to supp. Leaves will eventually become brittle even...
  3. K


    Is anyone actively researching and trying new methods that are either original or less favorable by " organic growers "? After a random experiment with a cocktail a HUGE change occurred in only a couple of days. Secondly, a clone who had been growing normal leaves changed all new growth "...
  4. K

    Close call moments

    Being paranoid is safer then carelessness. In the end it's just a plant. Unless a plant is your greatest accomplishment there's no need to really express the achievement to anyone.
  5. K

    Close call moments

    I'd like to hear stories of moments where an error or catastrophe occurred that you stopped before the crop was destroyed. Yesterday checked pH, was 6.8 but I had changed 15 gal from res so I adjusted thinking it was okay since I made a water change, Today it was still high. After some...
  6. K

    DWC w/ Four 3" net pots OR Ebb/Flow with Six 7" Square pots?

    Start training from early on when you have enough stem to pull down before the stem gets tough. And with autos I think just making the main stem tied down side ways would give you much more light penetration for better buds as you can then spread out branches all the same hight with no removal...
  7. K

    dwc 5 plant bucket.. Is my setup optimal?

    My passive air intake flow goes around my res to help it stay cool, my main intake brings in cooled air directed at a fan over canopy. My main intake brings around 140cfm while the carbon pulls 400+ so air needs to come from lower venting. a water chiller could be used in your situation to...
  8. K

    Any one part nutes that are good for DWC?

    Flora nova @ Lucas dosage as base nutes. Before an after cleaning pics. Nova may not be the pro game way but it seems to work very well iv not had any mystery deficiencies that take hours of research to figure out. Most iv had is a little nute burn when trying to figure out my max ppm as my...
  9. K

    DWC w/ Four 3" net pots OR Ebb/Flow with Six 7" Square pots?

    Once the plant gets roots in the res with dwc you'll see just how useless the actual pot size is. The pot doesn't need to be that much bigger as the stem is the main thing that will actually be filling the pot and the stem will most likely not get over an inch thick on a short grow. If your...
  10. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Not sure where to post but I recently got a bad batch that had mold. I took a picture of the spores under a scope. Inspect your buds !
  11. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Also I don't know what type they are, practiced sprouting junk bag seeds then tossed em sprouted from saved from a decent bag and have a sprout of very special stuff I have no clue if the name but I wish I did. The best I can describe is first toke hits almost literally right away then after a...
  12. K

    Welcome New Members!

    First time posting, I started reading a few months ago on here and all over the place. First time grow, currently In flower in a 3.5x3.5 with (1) 400w mh and (1) 600w hps in cool tubes above canopy, carbon filtration ventech 6", dehumidifier, a/c for hotter days. 50g (40 used ) res using nova...