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  1. W

    Soil PH staying at 7.5-8

    My bad. By "pure" I meant no nutes. I use my tap water which is between 15 and 24 ppm. It's pretty clean.
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    Soil PH staying at 7.5-8

    I just bought some dolomite, I know I should have been using it from the beginning. I haven't top dressed with it yet, but am mixing it into my soil bin. I have flushed them a few times with pure water over the last several weeks and yesterday ran some FloraKleen through them.
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    First Grow 28 Days Into Flowering..How Do They Look??

    28 days is "ohhh...'bout a month..give or take a day or two..", no?
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    Soil PH staying at 7.5-8

    Hey All, First off, thank you for any advice up front. Appreciate you all. Now. Strain: Ceres Kush, BlimBurn Mango, BlimBurn Tijuana Medium: Pure Ocean Forest and a few vegging in an Ocean Forest/Bionix #5 mixture. Bionix is a coco/perlite mixture Nutes: Fox Farm Trio + Solubles, CalMag+...
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    6 days into Bubble Vegging, potential problem starting

    Thanks for chiming in Spek. Always appreciate a second mind...
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    6 days into Bubble Vegging, potential problem starting

    Thanks or the reply Spek. Unfortunately I only have my cell phone for pics, so the macro shot is not something I can do right now. I have, however, examined the leaves very well and did not see anything that looked like pests on them. I will keep and eye on them and have some Spinosad I can...
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    6 days into Bubble Vegging, potential problem starting

    Hello All, I have 4 Ceres Kush clones that were just introduced into a home made 15 gallon Bubble Box 6 days ago. 2 of them are developing these symptoms on a few of the leaves. This is an experiment I am doing with DWC as I have been growing in soil for the last year with no issues. -...
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    Purple stems and slow growth new EBB and flow

    Will the heater I added to the res correct this eventually?
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    Purple stems and slow growth new EBB and flow

    Hello Everyone, New to EBB and Flow growing, using a DIY system with a 2'x4' flood table and 15 gallon res. My clones were taken from the plant 35 days ago and originally started in soil. After about 17 days I transplanted them into the EBB and Flow table and they have been there for 20...
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    Sweet or bitter might give someone more knowledgeable than I a better understanding. I'm not worried there would be anything in it that would hurt me.
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    I guess I could go taste it. Was going to let it sit on the stem over night and scrape some off in the am to smoke.
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    I do have my pocket scope I could try to take one with. That was not from a cut either, kind of has me weirded out lol. And thanks shaun. I was pretty proud of that bud. This plant technically makes up my second harvest ever.
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    Hey All, Tried searching for this and could not find any solid info. Is this resin on the stem? Info: Cell phone camera, sorry. Random seed I sprouted from some dispensary stuff. It flowered for 71 days and had a bit of a rough life as my room ended up having some environmental issues...
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    Alright, here is my Blue City Diesel plant. 37 days into flower.
  15. W

    Need Advice

    I am still on my first grow, but sprouted a seed from some random dispensary smoke under my 2' 4 lamp t5. Kept the light more or less touching the plant and it vegged like a beast. When you flower though, as stated before, you will want more light for the little lady.
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    Thanks chucky. I usually hate blowing my own whistle, but am pretty proud of myself being my first grow and after reading some of the horror stories that a lot of newcomers experience.
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    One last photo for a couple weeks. This is 26 days into flower.
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    Ok, been a while, obviously, but thought I would share some updates on the flowering. I ended up losing 1 of the 12 initial clones as it just did not seem to want to live. However, here are the remaining 11 (at least what I could fit in the shot) and a close up of one of the colas. They are...
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    I am on my first grow. My plants have been watered 6 times in 5 weeks. 12 plants and they get 3 gallons of water between them and are pretty effing healthy.
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    Watered them last night, so I took some photos of one. This would be the one I would name as my favorite if some gigantic armed person threatened to eat my cookies if I did not pick one. It is one of the Ghanis.