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  1. T

    What on EARTH is this? lol

    Just took a peek at my one single female beauty thats a few weeks/month into flower and the leaves have gone funky on me! They're also pretty brittle and break. Any ideas? I love my baby :/ any help would be appreciated, THANKS!
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    wtf heat or no heat

    :wall: you guys are all insane, the only heat a cannabis grow is giving off is obviously the 1000w hps sitting right above it...
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    Can I flower with these

    no, they arent; but if you were to have at the least 30-35 of those set up extremely close (1-2 inches away) you could POSSIBLY flower 1 small-medium sized plant. It isn't practical by any means but it could be done i'm sure. wont be pretty.
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    Anyone know what this spindlyness is?

    ooh, thankyou. ph is right around 6.1 but temp was in the 90+ range till recently so thankyou :D
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    Anyone know what this spindlyness is?

    Can anyone identify the problem with this plant? Note the leaves and whatnot :leaf:
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    tobacco mosaic virus

    lol.. deficiency
  7. T

    Cereall's 700w LED Tent...

    I'd say along with almost any seasoned grower on here that you should move those lights down up to a foot each. Looks to be a very nice operation you've got going with led's there and you'll see explosive growth once the led's are closer to the canopy. Good to see people making use of the...
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    Any idea whats going on with these little hunnies? *PICS*****

    res temps 71, sorry about that (and the double post)
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    Any idea whats going on with these little hunnies? *PICS*****

    res water is a cool 71, sorry about the mistake
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    Any idea whats going on with these little hunnies? *PICS*****

    Alright :/ Not exactly what i wanted to hear since i gave them the very minimum ppm of nutes, they're under 5 65w cfl's (300w ea) and a res temp of 79 with two airstones w/ seperate pumps. So what did i miss...?
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    Any idea whats going on with these little hunnies? *PICS*****

    no ideas? ANYONE please lol I dont wanna lose these :/
  12. T

    Any idea whats going on with these little hunnies? *PICS*****

    They're in a dwc with ph'd water on starting dosage of botanicare grow pro nutes. Any advice or insight? I'd hate myself if they were to pass :/ THANKS FOR ANY HELP GIVEN :D PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_
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    Just recieved this clone, what do you think?

    Does this look like spider mites to anyone?!
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    Just recieved this clone, what do you think?

    so then if thats the case, how should i approach the situation? clone has root growth
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    Just recieved this clone, what do you think?

    no, well shouldn't be, and doesnt really emit any smell of bud. i just recieved it and put it on 18/6
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    Just recieved this clone, what do you think?

    Got it with a few droopy leaves and what looks to be freckles on the leaves, any idea?bongsmilie Uploaded with