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    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    I got the unit for 1,975 delivered, I ordered it direct from spin hydro. It does great as long as you grow something that dosent get bigger than 26 inches, thats the max height

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    Thx Rydub, I am a big vertical grower too this is my 3rd vertical grow, but this is the first system I have purchased. I will be updating week 3 PPm's and plant growth progress a lil later today

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    I guess you cant read or see (You need go to Sylvan & get glasses) I have 1 As my picture illistrates and Crizco has 6. Get ur facts straight be for you post.

    600w DWC Medical Grow- First Timer

    If my set up looked like urs I woud would be hatin on my spinners to.:hump:

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    The thread, yea I started it because I wanted to show off my spinner . I been wanting one for 6 months and now I got one. My avatar I went to google typed in the hydro spinner clicked images and wahlah up came that image anybody can do it , MY signature I put it there so people like you and that...

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    Well its not tuesday but better late than never, Right. I started wk 2 on tues all nutes stayed the same except I did'nt add no bud blood but big bud was added ppm's were bumped up to 640 from 560 and they have grown 2 inches. The pineapple kush or express I put into my spinner is'nt looking all...

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    I went to check on my girls yesterday and I noticed I had a runt so I replaced it with A pineapple kush. This will work just fine, it gives me a chance to see what pineapple kush is all about and gives me a mom of hashberry to run again if this run turns out good. I will update with pics on tues...

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    Ok, I found time to post pics of my girls. pics are @17 days. And defcomexperiment I guess you can't read, my signature say's that I am not affiliated with spin hydro I put that so people would not get it twisted, but I should have know I would get a Hatter and if I was affiliated I would have...

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    Man, It is not enough time in a day I can get everything I need done, done ugh!! Bare with me I will have them pics up soon
  10. P.BLAZUH

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    I'm back I went to Moto Gp @ Laguna Seca In Monterey, Ca This past weekend it was great if you like bikes. Now back to the grow. I put my hashberry on 12/12 Last night they are 7.5-8 inches in height I need them to finish off @ 2 ft (No Higher). I mix up the nutes for week 1 Sensi A & B...
  11. P.BLAZUH

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    Ok I have pics, these are my girls they have been on 24 hr for 10 days they will be vegin for another 4. will update Monday
  12. P.BLAZUH

    12 Hashberry in The Spinner

    Hello to all I am new to this forum, Hope I can put on a good show for you folks. Okay lets get down to it. I am running The Spinner with a 300 watt cfl for veg 24/7 2 wks and for bloom i am going to use a Sun Pulse 600 3k for wks 1-6 and then I will switch to the Sun Pulse 600 10k for wks...