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  1. S

    Anyone in the Cambridge, Boston MA area

    I have a question about prices only a local will know. Im from the UK and am thinking of taking a trip out to Cambridge some time. Thanks in advance
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    First Grow - 75% Amber, now what?

    Yea, white hairs are amber, 90% now. I'm flushing her this week and will cut down next week. 2 weeks in a cupboard enough?
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    First Grow - 75% Amber, now what?

    Managed to get my plant to this stage, flowering since the mid of november, the buds are about 75% amber, am i right in thinking that when there complete amber, i can cut her down and hang her to dry? Can anyone recommend the best way of drying? IS it as simple as hanging in a dark cupboard or box?
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    I bent her over. . . the stem went 90 degrees is she a gonner?

    I managed to bend the stem whilst changing the water, pretty much inhalf, no breaks that i can see. ive supported her into a good position, will she get etter or should i say goodbuy to the top half of the plant? thanks, ss
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    First Ever Grow - How Much Longer? PICS

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    First Ever Grow - How Much Longer? PICS

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    First Ever Grow - How Much Longer? PICS

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    First Ever Grow - How Much Longer? PICS

    Have a look at my plant, first grow. Im using hydro and 400W light. I had no idea she would get this big! I can see the buds coming along, see below pics. Shes been flowering for just under a month now, (29th Nov). The strain is Super Silver Haze. I have read somwhere that this is strain has a...
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    How much will i Yeild? PART 2 - PICS

    I will be sure to bump next time, forgive me, im new to the site. Using a 400W HPS, Im using bloom nutes that i got with the kit. Any ideas about the lights?
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    How much will i Yeild? PART 2 - PICS

    Ok, I have this plant, in the second week of flowering, keeps getting taller and taller. I can start to see the buds forming, but there arnt many. I was advised that this was because not enough light was getting to the bottom half of the plant. I have a spare light fitting (large, screw fitting)...
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    Hey, you were kind enough to reply to my post yesterday regarding how much i might possibly...

    Hey, you were kind enough to reply to my post yesterday regarding how much i might possibly yield. I have a spare light fitting (large, screw fitting) which i have hung down so it is hanging in the bottom half of the plant, i havn't bought a bulb for it yet, was hoping you could give me some...
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    How much will i Yeild? PICS

    Thanks for the info, wont i be damaging the plant by forcing it to bed over? how much bending should the pant do? how much closer should i lower the lights? i got the upgrade from a 250W not exactly sure what it is, il check shortly. 16 week flowering time!! who so long? thanks in advance.
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    How much will i Yeild? PICS

    Just a rough estimate would be nice, standing nearly 4 ft tall in the second week of flowering. Vegged for 5 weeks. Super silver Haze, this is my first grow, so have no idea on what to expect.
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    Leaves curling up on them selfs PICS

    And no, this is the first im hearing about flushing. Makes sence though. IS there any point me doing it now?
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    Leaves curling up on them selfs PICS

    I was given a guide with my grow tank, which says when starting to flower, change the nutes a the same time as changing the lighting times. which is what i did. It saysto stop using the grow and to start using the bloom feed. Using both would make sence, however, the guide said change one for...
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    Leaves curling up on them selfs PICS

    Should have mentioned, Im using a NFT Hydro setup, 250W bulb, around 3ft away atm. I will leave the fan leafs on, they are dry but there not crumbly dry, not yet anyway.
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    Leaves curling up on them selfs PICS

    I changed from my Growth Nutes to the Bloom Nutes 2 days ago, along with changing the timing for the lights. Was on 24/7 for 5 weeks vegging, then switched to 12/12 for the floweing period. The day after changing to bloom nutes, my plant's leaves started curling and folding up on themselves...
  18. S

    I Challenge YOU to diagnose these leafs - see Pic

    The lower leafs seem to be getting a brown patchy tint to them. Shes 4 weeks old, no nutrients so far so it couldnt be nute burn. I read somewhere that it may be heat stress, and subsequently moved the light firther away, now aprox 4ft away. I have transfered her into my NFT tank. Any help on...
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    Ok, So one day later, i watered the plants, and then transfered them to the NFT tank, left it over night, kept lighting, heat, etc the same as it has been since planting the seeds. The plants do not look any different, only change is the 2 largest of the leaves are pretty dry at the tips. They...
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    16 Days Old, Fine one day, Droopy the next, see pics

    Ok, i have transfered everything into the NFT system, fan included this time, getting some fresh air. I will report back tomorrow evening with any progress. Thanks for all your help, and any other theories are welcome!