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  1. O

    HELP!!! i think i over-pruned my ladies

    UPDATE!!! the plants are doing ok, the old leaves that were small have died a lot and there's new growth at all the tops.
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    HELP!!! i think i over-pruned my ladies

    well i'm a noob, and i was just mis-informed when i was making my cuts, my first grow so it's all a learning expierience for me
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    HELP!!! i think i over-pruned my ladies

    so i ended up cutting off almost all the fan leaves and left the tops in tact, the plants are about 8-10in tall. i did this because i wanted to focus the growth on the tops but i'm afraid i might've over done it. will they survive?
  4. O

    my house almost burnt down with my grow

    the bud could have asbestos on it, which is not good to smoke. but hey do what you got to do ahaha..
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    First Timer, What am I doing wrong?

    i'm a noob too, but from what i see it looks like you have been over-fertilizing the plants, i read somewhere on here that you shouldn't feed the plants until they have like 4-6 new sets of full leaves. and the twisting of the GDP leaves is normal, it just means the plant is growing faster then...