Search results

  1. C

    Canadian Compassion Club gets mouthy and large orders are for Dealers!

    You first, child. I'll be blocking you now, I came here to inform like minded people that CCC is safe. You just have a bad attitude their 'tone' didn't sit right with you. Ya maybe your ass-backwards tone didn't sit right with them...
  2. C

    Canadian Compassion Club gets mouthy and large orders are for Dealers!

    You're a useless cunt. Your comments have less value to me than chicken feed. And discrete? What are you even on about? I mentioned a well known site that I've used, no need to be discrete about something that literally comes up from a search of 'bud canada' on google. Its obvious it exists to...
  3. C

    Canadian Compassion Club gets mouthy and large orders are for Dealers!

    No Pauly, Fuck you. I USE the site, I don't work for them, your logic is like that of a small child. Keep smoking that street grass, see if I care. The real shit hole is Budmail where they charge you 4 times street price for gutter trash. Honestly I could provide proof that they are 100%...
  4. C

    Canadian Compassion Club gets mouthy and large orders are for Dealers!

    I think you need to re-evaluate your definition of mouthy, someone telling you something you don't want to hear does not mean the person is being mouthy. I have ordered from this site for over two years and have not had one package disappear and all medicine is top quality, better than LPs that...