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  1. WHLS4U3064

    flipped the switch but no go?

    That could be it, but how long would that stunt them, like i said its been at least 3 weeks since that happend. Good thought, thanks.
  2. WHLS4U3064

    flipped the switch but no go?

    Ok, can someone please tell me why when i switched my lights over to 12 &12 nothing has started showing yet and it has been all most 4 weeks?I'm stunned, just like my girls are, and this my 6 grow and i have never seen this happen.I tryed taking away another hour to help last week, but nothing...
  3. WHLS4U3064

    Ph too high

    Thanks man, that was a big help.I think you called it on that one,you really now your shit, thanks again.
  4. WHLS4U3064

    Ph too high

    Can someone describe to me what happens to the leaves of a plant when the PH levels are too high with plants that are in soil.It seems that it shows right after a watering or feeding.I'm trying to diagnose a problem that im having, and i cant seem to find an answer that best fits.I have a pic...
  5. WHLS4U3064

    Ph seems to be too high?

    I Found out that humic acid, ranging from 10% - 75% helps with the nut break down and keeps the plant from lock out, you can mix it with any nuts, or just with water. I was told that it works very well in my situation.You can also use it as a follar feeding too.
  6. WHLS4U3064

    Ph seems to be too high?

    You really shouldn't use tap water cause of the high ppm, and calcium. if its over 400ppm, don't use it.You can use Epsom salt with the water to help with the ph,or try using alittle lemon juice.The acid in the lemon will bring down the ph also. of buy some PH up or down from a hydro store.
  7. WHLS4U3064

    Ph seems to be too high?

    Well, before I calibrated my instrument, it was off by about 5 points off; ie 6.5 = 6.7-6.9 PH level or more.It didn't seem to me that it being that far off would affect them that bad. I have been follar feeding them with grow big nuts until the soil drys up a little.Just mixing it with a small...
  8. WHLS4U3064

    Ph seems to be too high?

    I re-potted my plants about two weeks ago.Then come to find out that my PH measuring meter cal. was off.The PH was too high.Now the new internodes started turning yellow.Is this from a zink proplem, and what should i do to correct this.I started follor feeding them to help with the lock...
  9. WHLS4U3064

    Young leaves cupping/curling

    I'm using RO water, PH between 6.3-6.8, I think your right about the over fert./over watering I kind of thought that in the beginning.Cause it started around the second feeding. I'll flush, then cut back on the nutes.sensitive strain for sure. Thanks guys~
  10. WHLS4U3064

    Young leaves cupping/curling

    Not really sure why this is happening, but it seems that new young leaves are starting to curl down but still staying green.Is this too much water or nuts? Could someone please help.These are about 3 weeks into flowering, and for the most part their doing well but having a problem figuring out...
  11. WHLS4U3064

    You guys suck!

    i did not say get fucked too everybody.but i'll say it to you now!
  12. WHLS4U3064

    You guys suck!

    "douche bag" is two words kid!
  13. WHLS4U3064

    You guys suck!

    Well I've been on this site for a while and have read different post, then i respond with a question and nobody reply's.It is pissing me off and it would everybody else so don't act like you wouldn't. Why is that?Cause i spoke -up and got everybody's attention,so now they respond with smart ass...
  14. WHLS4U3064

    You guys suck!

    Thanks for the reply's!you have been a great help.i guess that's what it takes to get a reply.
  15. WHLS4U3064

    You guys suck!

    I've been posting questions to threads with some plant problems, and nobody on this site will answer my questions.Why is that?I thought this was a cool help forum but now i think you guys are just a bunch of assholes.What are you too good to reply.Fuck off!
  16. WHLS4U3064

    Homemade fertilizers

    First off, i grow in soil mixed( FOX FARM OCEAN FOREST & LIGHT WORRIOR, 60/30 Can you tell me if its ok to use epsom salt with nutes when i feed.I had a mag. def. and started using epsom salt to correct it.I was told that if my tap water ppm was above 200-250, it was too hard and to add epsom...
  17. WHLS4U3064

    mixing dolomite lime

    I grow in soil and use tap water, What if the tap water is too hard, mine comes out with a ppm of 450.Ive learned that adding Epsom salt helps.Is this true?
  18. WHLS4U3064

    Fox Farm Nutes???

    Are you mixing your nuts during your feeding schedule, or split between watering and feeding?
  19. WHLS4U3064

    Fox Farm Nutes???

    During the flowering stage, you can also add some M.O.A.B Its made by fox farm also, great stuff!
  20. WHLS4U3064

    Water & nut. Cycle question

    I've got (4) Blackberry girls that have been growing great.(by the way, i grow in soil)All my levels have been great up till about my 4th week into flowering.My watering/nuts cycle has been water-water-nuts,etc... during the veg cycle.I kept it the same going into flowering, but reduced my...