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  1. M

    to poke holes or not to poke holes is the ???????

    colored as clear cup will give you problems when the roots start roaming and light is bad for roots.
  2. M

    Ok to steam?

    interesting ,it certainly would get the humidity levels up but to what end? would like to see more replies to this.
  3. M

    revert back to veg

    yeh sure. but will take a while.
  4. M

    light green leaves

    it sounds like a nitrogen deficiency mate also when in flower keep using your veg nutes(in the uk we use bio-bizz nutes, grow for veg,then add bloom for in2 flower with the grow also) but you need2 keep your veg nutes which have a higher concentration of nitrogen as well as your bloom nutes...
  5. M

    Help diagnose Pics

    yep defo nute burn mate.
  6. M

    my sprout is in trouble

    need more info mate. 2 centimetres are you sure? unlikely having leaves at that height mate. ellaborate more then we can help ya:mrgreen: ie; your set up,lights ure using? ,soil/hydro?,fans?,nutrients? etc..........
  7. M

    New Grow Closet

    hey dude, put black & white down on floor with white side up. would put cfl lights in for 2 reasons,1st keeps heat easier to regulate plus 2nd & most important will get bigger yield. also you'll need to get a air circulation goin ie; rvk fan for outake+carbon filter put on to eliminate the...
  8. M

    compost in soil anyone?

    yeh its good stuff but check out what nutes you should use with it.:confused:
  9. M

    Question About Soil

    yeh bio-bizz all mix, mind & use bio-bizz nutes for full benefit , grow,bloom,top max ,but top max optional as really only a flavour enhancer & a bit exspensive, should try it with 1 of your grows then next 1 dont & see what you think. as for suppliers ,any hydro shop should have bio-bizz...
  10. M

    How do i boost my plants?

    as there only 1 & 1/2 weeks & just sprouted you may wanta use some root juice ie; rhizotonic ,foliar feed(mist 2 or 3 times daily) & a weak feed every 2nd or 3rd feed will stimulate your roots. as for pothency im curious too hear what folks say personally my way of thinking is proper feed at...
  11. M

    At what point in flowering do buds grow the most?

    yeh as shamegame says, but last 2 weeks usually puts on quite a bit of weight, at least 25% in last 2 weeks but im goin on prodominatly indica plants,sativas couldnt tell ya.
  12. M

    why did my seedling fall over

    ok bud, im now goin too try this technique ,i usually put seeds in2 3inch then 6inch then finally 11 litre pots till the end. that was the way i was taught but allways like too try new ways. reason for 3 changes in size of pots was that i was told the root ball will not develope properly if...
  13. M

    why did my seedling fall over

    as said light right on top if using a fluro, plus gotta have a fan giving them a breeze too strenghten them up,that,ll do the job ,plus why the hell have you got them in such large pots? should be 3 inch pots ,you need a good root ball & that wont happen when you give them so much space to roam...
  14. M

    Interuppting dark time during flowering

    true mate but its lung busting shit. as for light in g/rm for hr in2 flower ,myth but if you want more females from regular seeds then try this; 1.put seeds in2 a high nitrogen soil (bio.bizz allmix) 2.wait till 4th shoot appears then put seeds under a MH or blue spec CFL 3.feed a low amount...