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  1. M

    Tiger Bloom Vs Bud XL

    What other info can I give you that would be of help? Really?
  2. M

    Tiger Bloom Vs Bud XL

    I'm quite capable of researching on the H&G website, which if you looked at it, doesn't mention anything about Foxfarm nutrients. I don't get it. If you don't have the answer to my question, why respond with some snark? Cool, you do that.
  3. M

    Tiger Bloom Vs Bud XL

    I know I haven't been on the boards in years but is this really how it is now? I asked a very specific question and it seems like everyone is flexing their knowledge of stuff that has nothing to do with the question I posed. Does anyone know the proper proportions to use when subbing Bud XL...
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    Tiger Bloom Vs Bud XL

    I appreciate the input, but this is knowledge I already know.
  5. M

    Tiger Bloom Vs Bud XL

    Hey all- I'm overhauling a nutrient mix on a friend's grow, we had a bet that my regimen of House and Garden would do better than his Foxfarm. We're about 4 weeks into the flower, around the time I'd be adding my Bud XL, and he his fox farm. His proportions for a 275 Gal Res are: Botanicare...
  6. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey there- These look so done to me, but under a 10x Jeweler's Loop, I'm observing almost no white trichomes, all clear. See the attached trich photos.
  7. M

    House & Garden + Purple Maxxx = ???!!
  8. M

    DWC Black Domina

    I grow black-d as well, in coco though. Been doin it a while now. I find the H&G really treats the strain well, I'm just about to start supplementing with Humboldt County's Own Purple Maxx, which I've also had good results with. I'd say you should spend your cash on the Bud XL. Not to...
  9. M

    House & Garden + Purple Maxxx = ???

    Does no one use these two products in conjunction?!
  10. M

    House & Garden + Purple Maxxx = ???

    anyone out there?
  11. M

    House & Garden + Purple Maxxx = ???

    Hey Guys- I'm running the full H&G Line (minus drip clean) in Coco, and was wondering if anyone's ever supplemented with Humboldt County's Own Purple Maxxx and Gravity? Before switching from Foxfarm to H&G, I always used HCO's products to great results. My plants get even more purple, and...
  12. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    Roots to the bottom of the cups.
  13. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    Yeah, I see all your points. I'm gonna decrease strength and start feeding every other watering. I've never had this issue in a year's worth of growing with exactly this formula (to think, I've never had this problem, ever, even with other formulas). I've got no problem going to the water...
  14. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    Thanks for the tips. I'm gonna Brita a bunch of water or just go and fill up a 5 gallon at the market. Kind of weird that the water all of a sudden could be the issue. I'll definitely try raising the pH a bit though. Maybe start at 6.2 and gradually raise it. Humidity is definitely not the...
  15. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    That's what's recommended, 2-3 tsp. 3 tsp= 1 tbsp. To make matters worse when I was pHing my water last night I dropped my meter into the water and now it's fucked. Gotta wait another hour for the hydro shop to open. What a bummer
  16. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    Yeah, same mix for some time now. I'm thinking a nute burn too (maybe the coco or light warrior was compromised), Flushed with water tonight. We'll see tomorrow morning?
  17. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    neeeeeeeeeed help
  18. M

    Help! Why are all my clones dying!?

    Hey guys- Steady lurker here, I don't post very often but I'm in the middle of a huge dilemma and I have no idea what's wrong. My clones are all taken from healthy mother plants, there's no bugs. -I use a mixture of Canna Coco / Foxfarm Light Warrior for my medium. -My nutes are...