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  1. N

    Blue Mystic, Bubblicious, SLH, triple OG, 270w LED Tent Grow *SOIL*

    Hey what happened with your grow dude? I'm using 2 90w LED tri spectrum at the mo and would love to see what results you got from yours?
  2. N

    Urgent help with fresh cutting.

    Possible to root from it though right?
  3. N

    Urgent help with fresh cutting.

    Ah sorry my bad didn't see all of your message sorry man
  4. N

    Urgent help with fresh cutting.

    Dudes it's been there like 20 mins.... What do I do with it please? Do I need to put it in water in a tub.....?
  5. N

    Urgent help with fresh cutting.

    Hey i wonder if any one can advise me, I've just been given a really nice cutting infact it's the top 4-5 inches of the plant! But cant get home with it until tomorrow will it keep in a plastic bag in my car until tomorrow? Reluctant to bring it in my girlfriends mums house but will if I need to...