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  1. M

    Help with gnats and using AzaMax

    Should I spray with Azamax the same day that I do the soil drench?
  2. M

    Help with gnats and using AzaMax

    Thanks for your reply. How much and how do you apply the nematodes?
  3. M

    Help with gnats and using AzaMax

    But do use 2 TB per gallon for my vegetation phase? Does it usually raise or lower the ph as right now I only have ph up.
  4. M

    azamax! in soil. how should i do this?

    Please give amounts. One post said 2 tb. per gallon and another said 2 tsp. per gallon. I gave one application of 10 ml (2tsp.)/gallon to my clones and am infested again. So, I redosed 10 days after the initial dose. How do I get rid of these fungus gnats???
  5. M

    Help with gnats and using AzaMax

    I had trouble with gnats starting with my last grow cycle. I treated my clones as they were infested badly. I treated them with 10 ml/gal of AzaMax before transplanting them into fresh dirt. Shortly after transplanting (about 1 week), I noticed a few gnats from catching them in the juice I had...
  6. M

    Pineapple Chunks not growing as predicted

    Everything I read said that the Pineapple chunks from Barneys Farms should grow like sativas. Mine have been vegetating for 8-9 weeks and still are less than 3 feet tall and look totally like indicas and aren't behaving like sativas at all. In fact, my kush, which is behind my chunks by a couple...