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    Cutting off the big leaves in flowering ???

    My plants are about 4 weeks into flowering now and the plants have some pretty big leaves. I was wondering if i should cut them off. Someone told me to because they will drain the plants bud making. Is this true ? Should i cut the big leaves off of my plants ?
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    Cloning in flowering ?

    Im in the middle of flowering stage and im looking to clone. I know its better to cut in vegetation, but ok to do. I guess my question is, is there any particular problems that will arise that i should need to know about for good growing.
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    How many watts for clones ?

    I just cut my first clones and was wondering how many watts is proper.
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    How long do you soak peat pellets?

    I was just wondering how long i have to soak the pellets before they will expand fully.
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    How long into flowering will you start to see bud?

    I was just wondering about how long into flowering will you start to see buds ? Im running 4ft. fluorescent tubes.
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    "Shocking" into flowering ????

    Ok someone tole me that it would work better to "shock" the plant into flowering. When i say shock i dont really mean shocking it i mean instead of just changing the lights to 12\12 to give them 18 to 24 hours of darkness then switch to 12\12. i was just wondering if anyone knows of this...
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    How long after starting flowering can you sex the plants ?

    Today is day two of flowering and i was wondering about how long it will take before i can sex the plants.
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    Any one have pics of plants from fluorescents ?

    Im trying to see if the plants i have goin under fluorescent are stunted or not. Im not really sure.
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    Topping My Plants

    yea im sure it will, thanks. But topping into four main colas doesn't always produce more bud you could get four little colas instead of one big one and depending on the strain you could be taking away the potency.
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    Topping My Plants

    Ok, thats cool then cause i topped one of them for like a kinda trial and error process but i did it right
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    Need help on my lighting

    Yea i need to but im still kinda weary of putting pics of the set-up online. How do i put pics up tho ?
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    Topping My Plants

    How can i make sure it splits above the node ?
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    Need help on my lighting

    Yea i did have them like two inches , i just moved them up a little so they could have a little bit more room to grow.
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    Topping My Plants

    Are there any little tips for ensuring that the topping goes good ??
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    Need help on my lighting

    There are five plants but i have more lights if i need them. The growths at the node aren't stems its coming out of the new stems. The lights are about six inches from the top. The space is about 4 ft. by 9 ft but its two levels. Today i started the flowering so i can sex them, does it...
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    Need help on my lighting

    Alright, I need some help figuring out if im using enough light. I have 6 - 4 ft. Fluorescent tubes going. They have cool white lights in them now for vegetation and i plan on changing them soon to warm ones when i start flowering. Its just that they are about 5 weeks old and i still cant sex...