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  1. M

    First time grow,2 clones under 69wl,seems to be developing buds during veg.

    Lots of factors will determine what you get, but in general, taking a clone straight into flower without building it up with a veg period will give you a lot less yeild than if you kept it in veg for a bit. In general, bigger plant before flower = bigger yeild, but also bigger finished plant...
  2. M

    First time grow,2 clones under 69wl,seems to be developing buds during veg.

    Yeah, he's probably serious. That's a pretty basic question that shows you haven't extended any effort whatsoever in finding the answer on your own. People don't want to answer completely remedial questions that should take you less than 2 minutes to search for the answers on your own. Now, I...
  3. M

    Why transplant instead of starting in the end grow container?

    I sometimes wonder if these so called burned seedlings aren't really victims of moisture stress or something else. I have added EW castings and perlite (and humus) to FFOF for years and germed seeds in it with no proplems at all. I add the EW castings to the point that it gets me though veg...
  4. M

    Gro Lights Will Become Illegal

    You need to think again. Where I am, the local power company is rebating manufacturing and commercial businesses to replace their lighting with T5 flourescents and LED....this includes LED replacement for parking lot and street level HID lighting. The LED replacements actually put out more...
  5. M

    How long is jarred bud good for?

    Well, I have less than 17 posts :wink:, but I have stored bud for extended periods in mason jars that were vacuum sealed, stored in the dark at an average temp of about 67F. I opened a jar the other night that was....wait for it....8 years old. It was my oldest remaing jar. The bud was still...
  6. M

    Seeds developing?

    Sometimes females will show false seed pods that look pretty convincing. I have seen mine do that before and they never developed seeds. Like MrGG said, bust a few open in a week or two and see if there is really a seed forming.