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    Plant looks droopy

    There are no signs of rooting.. is this a lost cause or should I continue and try to nurse it back to health... it is getting worse...
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    Plant looks droopy

    I thought the clonex was controlling my PH level. Is there a addative I can use to control my PH without using nutes?
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    Plant looks droopy

    Here are some pics... Any ideas? To much water? Not enough?
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    Blunts - which one is better?

    what about strawberry!?
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    Plant looks droopy

    - Medium = pellet - Water 1 time pellet, 2 time spray (daily) - I do have a tupperware over pot to create green house effect
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    Plant looks droopy

    I have a 15 day old clone. The whole plant is starting to droop. I figured it needed something. So, I went to the local hydro store and bought Clonex. At the end of the day its still droopy, however, it is sprouting some new leafs off the top. Is this just stress from rooting?
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    Perked right up within hours... I was so worried about over watering cause that seems everyone elses problem... thanks toad & dialup
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    i believe the temp was asked...
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    You cant see it but I got her on a heating pad. Keeps the clay pot warm to the touch. I will wrapp it and see how it goes.
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    I woke up this morning and my clone is wilted. I have had it for two weeks today. It is in a pellet and I put a piece of tupper ware over trying to create the dome effect. It was fine when I went to sleep. Is it dead? or can I save it? Someone !!???