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  1. I

    Canadian Clones

    Buy seeds, get a mother and take clones.
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    First Grow 4.5 weeks Comments?

    Well a lot of them are in miracle grow/vermiculite. Probably not the best combo for drainage. We water them every 3 days. Thanks for the comments and congratulations. I think they look great now, I'm excited to see how they turn out. And now that we already have 5 females and only 2...
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    First Grow 4.5 weeks Comments?

    We have a humidifier but it runs out of water so fast we have to refill it constantly. We will try to keep it up though,
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    First Grow 4.5 weeks Comments?

    Our humidity has been kind of low recently, could that cause the leaves to cup like that? Thanks for the comments though.
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    First Grow 4.5 weeks Comments?

    We are 4.5 weeks into vegging, we currently have 5 females and 2 males, the other 3 haven't shown sex yet. This is coming from all bagseed so we are doing pretty good with our male to female ratio so far. I am concerned about our plants size. We had some problems with being rootbound and our...
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    8 plant Water Farm hydro system?i

    Does anyone have any experience with this system or know anything about how it is? It has 8 different buckets each holding up to 4 gallons, a 17 gallon resevoir and comes with everything but the plants and lights. I have the opportunity to pick this up for 200 dollars tomorrow as well as a 200...
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    help me identify strain

    I just recently became interested and started growing. I never asked a question close to this stupid on any of the forums I go on. I mean any amount of reading will answer this for you. I know this has been mentioned many many times all over the place so there is no excuse. Yea it was mean...
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    help me identify strain

    How do you expect anyone to identify the strain of an 11 day old seedling. You might be able to tell whether or not it is indica or sativa dominant, although some of my plants leaves went from real wide in the beginning to skinnier now. I mean have you even seen pictures of other 11 day old...
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    Can you help me please?

    Why would you recommend he get an hid system and soil like fox farm. He is trying to grow this as cheap as he can so why not use cfl's and miracle grow mixed with a lot of perlite. Get some cheap fertilizer with the proper ratio's and keep your lights on 24/0 in vegetative. Top your plants...
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    Male or female?

    So unfortunately I discovered one of my plants is a male. When I was looking at one of our favorites, Nala, I saw one little ball thing. But I can't tell if it is a female bud thing that the pistils come out of or the beginnings of a male. There is only 1 ball per side where the male had 2...
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    Haha thanks, we are celebrating now. Now let's just hope the rest of them turn out to be female too lol, only 12 more to go. I'm so glad that our first one to show sex is a female, especially since it was a plant that was obviously stressed for a bit. She has recovered fully since, but i was...
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    I mentioned that on the last page but she is 4 weeks old and not in flowering. She is under 24/0 lighting. Now that it is on a new page I'll edit that picture in here.
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    I'm 99% sure they are pistils, the stipules are the most obvious, Ill crop a picture so it is zoomed in momentarily. edit: here is a closer picture.
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    She is 4 weeks old today from bagseed and she is still in vegetative under 24/0.
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    That just made my day, thanks for the quick response. Hopefully they all turn out like this :bigjoint:
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    While examining our plants today I saw that Jasmine our first baby seemed to have some pistils coming out. While I am pretty sure that she is a female here are some pictures, could anyone confirm this or tell me I'm delusional?
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    little help?oka

    What kind of light are you using.
  18. I

    First time grower

    Yes it is necessary to change to 12/12. She will stay in it's vegetative stage as long as you keep her there. Sex can be shown during the vegetative stage. Bud formation however will not begin until you switch to the flowering light cycle 12/12.
  19. I

    Does anyone know about how much more my electric will be if i grow indoors

    If you are looking for cheap then don't expect to be growing 20 plants. CFL's are probably the cheapest good bulbs.