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  1. M

    Help with diagnose

    Ok, so what ec should i have in the end? For flush? And im working on liters rather than gallons but as i understand for 250l should be 200ml vega a i b and 140ml cal mag. I havent got epsom salt. So flush should be from half of it?
  2. M

    Help with diagnose

    Ok, im changing wather monday, so ill go with your dosage and we will see
  3. M

    Help with diagnose

    Im still veg, planning flower next week. I was hoping for smaller ones to grow bit bigger
  4. M

    Help with diagnose

    Is something eating this leaf?
  5. M

    Help with diagnose

    I just checked. All numbers from both bootles are the same.. one difference on one is A on second is B. Otherwise is all the same
  6. M

    Help with diagnose

    Canna a Canna b So my tank is 350l. Filled with 250l of wather. Usually 450ml canna a i b, 150ml rhizotonic and as i said one ao far 80ml calmag
  7. M

    Help with diagnose

    Here are pics of one that slowed down And to compare "good" one Leaf septoria - that what i would think it might be Here some pics of weird leafs i could find
  8. M

    Help with diagnose

    And what im putting to wather is: Canna a then canna b 150ml rhizotonic And last time 80ml calmag.
  9. M

    Help with diagnose

    Here is some more pics. Humidity at the mom, they are 3h awake is 45
  10. M

    Help with diagnose

    Not sure about chromosome Yes, im sure i do. I did put calmag once so far, at monday. I do wather 4 times when lights on 2 times when off. Its been set for 15min feed, but ive changed it to 10 last night to see if that will help. No, i dont have dehumidif. Humidity is usualy 40, so i do spray...
  11. M

    Help with diagnose

    Ive noticed min temp at 21 degree cells. 26 max. Would that be affecting them?
  12. M

    Help with diagnose

    Here you got............
  13. M

    Help with diagnose

    Ohhh, my bad. Im quite new to it. Im using canna aqua vega
  14. M

    Help with diagnose

    Ph in a tap you mean?
  15. M

    Help with diagnose

    Its 6.0-6.3 ec 1.2, had 1.0 before, after weekly wather changing ive done 1.1 and put 80ml calmag and raised it to 1.3
  16. M

    Help with diagnose

    Hi everyone. Since 2 weeks some of my plants started to slown down in grow and having spots and curly leafs. Mostnof them are big and nice ones. Some are medium which realy slowed down about week ago, less than some are small ones where one of them suddenly on her own died 3 days ago and...