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  1. J

    HPS Fixture

    Make that four plants. Just pulled another dude.:evil:
  2. J

    HPS Fixture

    A quick question. On my 400W HPS fixture from HTG, am I better off using the side reflectors or not? Currently they're on, but will I get a more beneficial light spread without them? I have five plants flowering in a 5'x2' closet.
  3. J

    Is this a boy?

    If there was doubt yesterday, there shouldn't be any today.:cry: One down, five to go.
  4. J

    Is this a boy?

    Thanks for the input, guys. I'll definitely let it go a while to be sure. I figured it was early to show characteristics, but I'm a bit anxious seeing as this is my first grow.
  5. J

    Is this a boy?

    This kinda looks like pollen sacks, but I'm not sure. It's only been in flower for 4 days. Can anyone tell?
  6. J

    Is There Any Hope For These Plants?

    I just wanted to give an update on my grow. I got the HPS setup, and the plants love it. I started them on 12/12 two days ago, and they're doing great. There are two plants I'm concerned about, but I think they'll be OK. Each day I can't wait for the light to come on so I can look at them. I...
  7. J


    Buy Marijuana Seeds and cannabis seeds from Holland - high quality marijuana seeds (cannabis seeds) is where I ordered my seeds. I too live in the kingdom of Deval Patrick.
  8. J

    Seeds from

    That's where I got my Early Mistys. Same deal, they came in a padded envelope with a greeting card. I forget how long it took (to U.S.), but it wasn't long. I would order from them again.
  9. J

    Is There Any Hope For These Plants?

    Thanks for the feedback! Just ordered a 400W HPS setup and some Floragro & Florabloom from High Tech. That oughta keep 'em going. Still hafta pick up some PH testers for water and soil. But I feel better about my chances now. I have the fan going in the closet to help strengthen the...
  10. J

    Is There Any Hope For These Plants?

    They're kinda stretched from not having the lights close enough, and the stems aren't very sturdy. Also, the leaf arrangement looks a bit sparse. These plants are abouth 1 month old. Do they look OK?
  11. J

    Is There Any Hope For These Plants?

    These are some Early Mistys I have in the ultimate ghetto closet. I'll hopefully be getting a 400W HPS setup to improve the lighting, but do these plants have a chance of becoming anything? They got off to a really bad start. That's what I get for starting before I do any research.