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  1. marleymonster

    New grow New cheap DIY setup

    yea i vegged for a while...
  2. marleymonster

    New grow New cheap DIY setup

    yo my bud looks alot like your bud...
  3. marleymonster

    my 4th cfl grow

    oh and lights and hood are adjustable on a pulley anchored to the ceiling and it can go from the floor to the ceiling, and i start way low on the plant and let the plants touch before i raise the lights an inch or so.
  4. marleymonster

    my 4th cfl grow

    im about 3 weeks in on 12/12. and ive tried to keep the lights as close as possible but i think i vegged them a month too long, i recently added the side lights which seemed to help alot.
  5. marleymonster

    my 4th cfl grow

    Im open to all tips and suggestions
  6. marleymonster

    my 4th cfl grow

    so this my 4th time around, im actually using seeds from a set of 4 seeds of ice that one of them turned hermie ( some how all seeds from that plant from then on have been female) But right nbow im usin around 15 cfls all various sizes all the correct spectrum. I have a xbox fan and a ton of...
  7. marleymonster

    hey hey

    I moved two into the newly purchased foxfarms soil, that stuff is wonderful looking and smelling and i love the consistency i bet itll hold water way better than the mulchy 9 month soil i had.. off to the flower room they go... I know its too early for those two but its an experiment really...
  8. marleymonster

    hey hey

    thank you sir. plan on changing out the soil as soon as i can. i had a death today but it was one of the two runts i had. its sad, but i figure the strong will survive.
  9. marleymonster

    hey hey

    *9 month soil, not one month
  10. marleymonster

    hey hey

    Hey guys im about a month into my first grow. Im using various bag seeds i have collected. Here's what i have so far, 4 Ge 26w 6500k daylight CFLs, a contractors box of 12 TCP 26w 2700k soft white CFLs, a few other bright white CFLs not sure on the kelvin bc its not labeled, a sneaky vegg box...
  11. marleymonster

    nugbuckets CFL grow, Diesel, DieselGum,Trinity

    Really nice set up and beautiful buds
  12. marleymonster

    Post your favorite reggae music?

    ganja farmer- marlon asher