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  1. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    69 days after switch: Girl #1: Girl #2: So I decided that it's time for them to good. Sampled popcorn uds every few days till I found that perfect head high with slight body high. :D So I chopped it! Here's what I got: After some work: I'm so happy that wife helped me with bud...
  2. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    60 days after flip, not much left! Yesterday watered my plants with AACT, everything so far so good, just smell getting out of control. lol Girl #1: Girl #2:
  3. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    51 days after flip: brew some more AACT few days ago, by my original recipe, but this time increased strenght to x1,5, watered with it 2 days ago. Heres some pics: Girl#1: Girl#2: Have a nice day!
  4. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    40 days after flip: Yesterday I watered with plain water ph'ed to 6,7 Heres some photos... Plant #1: Plant #2:
  5. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    Autumn hit hard and now sometimes at night humidity goes up to 75%. My question would be if this cheap dehumidifier will help I bought one for 10€ at local shop.:)
  6. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    32 days after flip: Brew some tea once again, but this time i kept it for 48 hours. Forgot to check ph of it. Watered the plants. Plant #1: Plant #2: Have a nice day!
  7. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    27 days after flip: Frost started to form: Plant #1: Plant #2:
  8. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    25 days after flip: Here's some photos as promised: Plant #1: Plant #2:
  9. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    24 days after flip: For the first time I brew some AACT! Hope this goes well :D My recipe (hope it won't be disaster): 1 gallon of water; 1 table spoon of bone meal; 1 table spoon of fish meal; 1 table spoon of black pearl - manure replacement; ecologic & organic (humic acids - 8,5%, fulvic...
  10. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    Ohh. Okay sorry. English is not my native language. :)
  11. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    Ok. I raised the lights half an inch. :) However, autumn just hit, so ambient cab temp stays at 26-27 C. Nearly perfect lol :D And okay. I'll defoliate them monday. :p
  12. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    18 days after flip: Today i watered with plain water ph'ed to 6.7. Girl #1: Girl #2: This week was so busy with work & shit.. Even couldn't find the time to buy aquarium pump to make some AACT for feeding my plants.. Such a lousy father.. So probably next watering :/ Here's some sick...
  13. Mattock

    144 Watt CFL Grow

    Wow. It looks amazing for 144 watts. :O You should be a proud daddy. :D
  14. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    @Lucky Luke There's always two sides.. It's the same thing like with chicken and egg. :) And I'm that when the flowers start to appear then it's flowering kind of guy :) And I'm calm brother. They just looked so perky today after yesterday's watering. Got to take some pictures. :D
  15. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    @Rusher hope You are right, buddy! So 13 day after flip or veg day 47: Girl #1: Girl #2: So NO pistils yet to show, bud the lady's seeds supposedly were feminized and female looking buds started to develop and my question would be: May I officially start calling it 'flowering day 1'? :D...
  16. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    12 days after flip or Veg day 46: Plants were thirsty, watered with plain water ph'ed to 6.7. Next time I'll try to brew some AACT with molasses, biohumus, bone meal, fish meal, manure, fulvic & humic acids. Can't wait to see how it goes. :D So here's the girl #1, no signs of sex yet, at first...
  17. Mattock

    Coneccting light fittings

    So then ask a friend who's a bit more handy than You. :) Nothing difficult over here really. :)
  18. Mattock

    CFL Cabinet Grow. Royal Highness. First Grow Ever

    Hey, @Morriston55 it's hot in there I know, but girls seem to love it the way it is! It's sativa dom. :) And thanks @Lucky Luke for the wishes, but I hope rest of the grow will go even smoother, in veg I overwatered them once, when I've gone to honeymoon. :)) Edit: ohh and te strech.. It started...
  19. Mattock

    Grown with cfl - 3 gal - 5 plants

    How old are they? :)