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  1. G


    can you post some pics? I had a similar problem when I was running Hygrozyme and H2o2 at the same time in RDWC system. What kind of fertilizer are you using ?
  2. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I lost one of the plants on the back row. She broke her main stalk from the weight, so I had to go around and tie everyone up. Oooff I feel terrible about
  3. G

    Heat exchanger (cooling two reservoirs with single chiller)

    I have one water chiller and two different reservoirs I want to keep separated. Has anyone ever tried using a stainless steel or titanium heat exchanger to accomplish this? Would something like this work? Opinions...
  4. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I added a dehumidifier along with a condensation pump. I pump the water right back into the mix. Unfortunately this little thing doesn't seem to work well. With the co2 on the humidity can still get into the 70's. It adds 2f to the air temperatures.
  5. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I decided to add some additives to help with bud density. They seem to be responding well. Will they resume growing taller after I take the Pk 13/14 out of the mix? Currently on day 25 of bloom. Aff-gooey and perma-frost. They are approximately 43" tall. This tent is stuffed to the bloody...
  6. G

    Mini current (Under current dwc knock off in 4x4 tent)

    Going to cram this apparatus into this tent (The controller bucket will be outside) This system is based on this tutorial: And this design: I plan to put 3 plants into each tote. This will be my veg/mother stage to support...
  7. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    Day 5 of flowering: I have some concerns about the roots clogging my 3/4' pvc. Can anyone give advice on when and how to do root pruning. This plant has a long way to go in this bucket. I don't want to cause an overflow. Largest plant: (From bucket I)
  8. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    These girls are out of control. I trim them back and every time I turn around they get bigger.
  9. G

    Question on Co2 and Perpetual Cage Grow

    I have a very similar setup as you. 2x600's in 4x8 tent. Veg tent is 4x4. This is my first real grow so i cant really comment, but willnbe interested to hear wht others say. I can keep the temps in my 4x8 tent around 79f without ac. What does your temp get to without the ac?
  10. G

    Will my pump be suitable to run DWC?

    Definitly invest in a good air pump. Also if you can manage it get a U.P.S. "uninteruptable power supply" they are cheap and you will be gratefull to have it when your power goes out. Plants won't last long without air.
  11. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I havent had any slime problems for several days now. I cut the hygrozyme out of the mix and installed a water chiller. I also took the plants out and ran a strong bleach solution through the system for several hours "used a whole gallon of bleach". The PH is extremly stable. It fluctuates for...
  12. G

    Dwc and clearex

    I use FloraKleen for flushing my DWC system. It's basicaly the same thing different name brand.The directions on the back of my bottle say to flush for one to two hours between nutrient changes. For final flush before harvest flush for 48 hours. Concentrate for both types of flushes are the...
  13. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I will definitely look into the tea. Sounds like a cheaper way to do things. The instructions on the back of the HygroZyme specifically say that you can use it with H2O2.
  14. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I just finished installing the water chiller. Pump for water chiller The instructions for the water chiller said to use a pump filter bag. I bought my girl friend these pantyhose for Christmas and she didn't like them :sad: so I took them back and used them for a pump filter. Water...
  15. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    Until today I was using the both H2O2 and HygroZyme. The HygroZyme is the only thing i'm not familiar with in my mix so I cut it out of the line up until I can get rid of this nasty slime.
  16. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    Had the same slime issue again. The water temp got up to 23c. My freezer can't freeze the 2 liter bottles fast enough to cool this thing down. I went out and bought a 1/4 hp water chiller and 1/6 hp sump pump.
  17. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    I did a bone head thing and plugged one of my air pumps into a powerstrip that is on timed power for lights. 4 of the buckets weren't getting air for 3 hours into lights out. I was also using the drip rings and this limited the nutrient exchange between contoller outside of the tent and buckets...
  18. G

    RDWC. 12x5 Gallon Buckets 4x8 Tent. 3x600 watt.

    My first grow on my own: I have been helping my elderly aunt (with Parkinson disease) grow for several harvests now. I fell in love it right from the start. This will be my first grow without my wise old auntie looking after things. I feel like a scared little kid. lol. :shock: 12x RDWC Based...
  19. G

    Too many damn tubes

    This thing is messed up.:?. Is supposed to be a top feeder for 12 pot system but it doesn't behave. Is there a trick to making that stiff black 1/4 lines settle down?