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  1. D

    Feminized vs Regular

    ^^^ This...
  2. D

    Feminized vs Regular

    Hey, whatever works for you. I'm an individual grower, growing for personal use, only. I don't have time or money for experimentation. I need first time, every time. I know the method I used for the 2017 grow worked well and I'm not about to fuck around with a productive status quo. So it's...
  3. D

    Feminized vs Regular

    My first grow was this year, but I used clones. No problems with the plants, no hermies in the bunch. Next year, it's from feminized seeds. I did Kosher Kush and NYC Diesel this year (NYC was a freebie that yielded a lot). The end result was a lot of rookie mistakes but like Jerry Rice in 1985...