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  1. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    ps: I think that we should consider that us the membership, come from many different countries, different bullshit laws, but swim in one direction with one common cause ^ that. We really are all on the same team despite our differences. Its us against them.
  2. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    Yes, I am clearly illiterate and ignorant. Perhaps a reply about my mother would be appropriate. You have me at a disadvantage as i forgot how to debate like a child long ago.
  3. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    Lol. Ty for prooving my point.
  4. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    This whole thing started when i posted some information that i know to be true. Its not speculation, its not conjecture, its fact, gleaned directly from the source. I will take a pic of the helo when it flies over this fall as it has every year for the 15 years ive been here and i'll post it...
  5. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    They dont do it in NZ so they probably dont do it anywhere... Ya, thats pretty solid logic. Maybe theres a small chance that you dont know exactly how they do everything in all parts of the world?
  6. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    Im fairly certain the cops arent paying out of pocket for chopper fuel lol. The govt has never been shy about wasting tax dollars. Ask all the ISIS guys driving around in the new hummers we delivered to them.
  7. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    Ya. Lol. You guys are right. Just grow it on your front porch. Why be careful? Its just against the law is all. You probably wont end up with a criminal record. Maybe put out a sign or something.
  8. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    I didn't want to get into details but he is my brother in law lol. He is well aware that i smoke, but i have my med card so im legal to smoke but not to grow
  9. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    Well, i just joined this site today so ive been like somewhere else, dude. As far as the other, im just passing along info that i know first hand to be true. Believe what you want. Its definitely no skin off my nose.
  10. N

    How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

    I know the pilot from our local sherrif dept. Every fall they fly over most of the rural parts of the county looking for grows. He told me they use electronics not visual spotters to find it. He said pot plants show up as blue on their screen and a single plant is detectable, although they...