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  1. Organic Mechanic

    18/6 light cycle during last week of flower?

    I was serious about the 18/6 question, had some old hippie tell me it was the way to go, but he's also an old most of what he says is usually bullshit, way too many drugs for his own good. ima get stoned now and go look @ the ladies for a while....thanks again man. :leaf:
  2. Organic Mechanic

    18/6 light cycle during last week of flower?

    I'm glad i asked before i did anything stupid... thanks y'all.
  3. Organic Mechanic

    18/6 light cycle during last week of flower?

    Has anyone else ever heard of bumping the light cycle back up to 18/6 during last week of flowering? I heard it helps to drain last bit of nutrients out of plant and soil, and into the buds...This may be total bull shit, i have no idea. Pretty new to growing, so any advice or comments greatly...
  4. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    All the pink has went away in past few days, plant looks decent but no where near as healthy as the others...maybe pink is bad lol. we'll see what happens over next few weeks.
  5. Organic Mechanic

    proper seed germ. and planting

    thanks a lot for the advice guys, i've always done the baggie/paper towel method for germ. but never was 100% sure on the best way to start after. started germ. yesterday...i'll have pics of new grow up soon. thanks again :leaf:
  6. Organic Mechanic

    proper seed germ. and planting

    i'm getting ready to start my 3rd grow attempt and i have some questions about seeds. How big should the sprouts be before planting? how deep should i plant the seedling? and how long should i wait before getting them under light? ANY info or advice is greatly appreciated! i've grown one...
  7. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    def. way more fluffly, got pretty f'n cold past few turned to dark purple, it'd be a whole lot cooler if i had a camera that would take a fucking picure!:wall:
  8. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    my big, stupid dog ate my good cam, i'm tryin to use a 2$ audiovox from the macro setting on this piece.
  9. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    my junk ass camera won't take any better pics, dissapionting b/c the pics i posted don't do her justice. As soon as i find a decent cam i'll post 'em. hopefully tonight....
  10. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    nice...better pics tomorrow for sure. cant find batteries to get them tonight.
  11. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    u have some pics i can look at? i'm interested... what state do i live in??? isn't weed illegal in the states? lol Go Bucks
  12. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    give me an hour, lights will be on...i'll try to get some better pics
  13. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    hopefully it turns out to be something sweet, ill try to keep new pics up every few days to show the pprogress...
  14. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    thanks man, kinda wish they would stay pink tho lol. looks amazing in person.
  15. Organic Mechanic

    Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

    I've never had pistils grow in this pink/purple color before. almost 3 weeks into flower and still growing more every day. It was a random bagseed so no idea on the strain...any info or advice as to what this is would be great. Pics are a little shitty but you can get the idea...:leaf: