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    No prob I'm here to help

    No prob I'm here to help
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    normal bud development at week 2 of flowering?

    looking very healthy. Expect to see lots of crystals forming in the next week or two
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    Topping, how and when should it be done?

    If you cut it clean and the open part doesn't get infected you should be ok. Anytime after the first 3-4 sets of true leaves is fine. Your plant should start growing into two different tips soon which you can also top but the more you top the bushier it gets.
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    Russian newspaper on the end of capatalism.

    YOUR local LIBRARY, POST OFFICE, the STOPLIGHTS in every street ARE GOVERNMENT FUNDED acts of Socialism. In Socialism everything that people produce is in some sense is a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. So since we pay taxes...
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    help help fuck my lights did not trun on when they should of

    I find that the analog timers with the green and red plugs are way more reliable than the electric ones. I've tried 3 different kinds and only one worked right.
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    How much water?

    Theres a fine line between too much and too little when you have soggy soil. Usually when you grow indoors the parts above soil are usually warmer than the roots below. This inbalance causes the plant to stop sucking up water properly because it interferes with osmosis. So the top will be drying...
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    Attention Atheist

    Awesome! I keep hearing about two point healing and I know it to be possible. The whole universe is made of vibrating strings that our eyes translate into tangible meaning, but there is so much more left unseen. The power of the mind is something that mankind has barely tapped into. Imagine if...
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    Attention Atheist

    Why is everyone so concerned on who created what? The most important question is why don't we value life or the Earth itself? People spend too much time looking up for an answer to the meaning of life when right below there noses their fellow beings are being slaughtered and oppressed in the...
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    Can you help Indica vs Sativa

    You want amber in the curing process, but they should be harvested at 25percent amber. The plant continues to mature even while it's drying so if you wait too long a majority of the THC might lose potency by the time it's dry enough to smoke. Depending where you got your white widow it might be...
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    BLah not something I would suggest smoking out of a bong.A blunt provides a more mellow high.But with anything tolerance and proper dosage are key factors to an enjoyable experience.:blsmoke:
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    If you have hard water or if the ph is messed up you might, but for the most part Cannabis is a...

    If you have hard water or if the ph is messed up you might, but for the most part Cannabis is a pretty tough weed that can survive and thrive easily. Remember, mistakes make for the best teacher. If at first you don't succeed try,try again
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    Mother nature or electric nature

    First off, if you start indoors you cannot simply stick them outside. It's like anyother flower or vegetable you start indoors, you need to harden them off first. Harden off gradually, so that seedlings become accustomed to strong sunlight, cool nights and less-frequent watering over a 7-10...
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    Bubba Kush and Blue Widdow fem'd

    They usually turn herm due to stresses in light or soil. keep the lighting regimen strict and watch the ph and you should be ok.