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  1. E


    Well atm the temps aren't fatal so to speak. But winter in England can be pretty brutal so I'm just preparing for it. Ive insulated the tent and I was thinking rather than use a heater full time I may aswell use the heat from hps and the by product is also light. I know Ill have to use the...
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    No is just Christmas time in Eboracumm
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    I've got plenty of led, it's just they aren't hot. So I'm wondering if it's better to kill two birds with one stone and get some GPS in there as a heat source aswell ,rather than about 5 high powered led and heaters. I'm just unsure about using the led and hps in conjunction with each other...
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    Hey just wondering if it's a conventional method used by people to use hps as a heating source in the tent alongside the resident leds. Currently using 2000 w bestva leds which give off barely any heat whatsoever. Tia.
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    Climate control

    Are they straight forward to set up?
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    Climate control

    Just wondering what devices people use. Are they simple to setup etc and effective ???
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    What's good to grow!?!?

    Haha you sound far more educated about it than me! I just want nice flavour and big yield. .....thankyou for your help though I'll Google everything you said
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    What's good to grow!?!?

    Hey! Just coming to the end of a grow. Been growing some autos. Looking for nice yields and flavours for the next batch! Wanting photo periods this time. Been looking at a couple strains wanting to hear some thoughts or experiences. Blue gelato 41 Gorilla zkittles Star dawg Let me.know your...
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    Droopy plants

    Here's a couple photos. Could the 600 watt hps be causing it? As the ones under the leds are not suffering?
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    Droopy plants

    Hey can anyone help, Running wilma system hydroponics. 15 minute feed every 4 hrs. Using bestva 2000 watt led x 2 , and 600 watt hps too keep temps cosy. Problem is some of the plants ( only 3/9) are really droopy. Looks like a watering issue, however I gave them water too see if the reacted...
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    Grow room temps

    You my friend are an absolute gentlemen! Cheers for the help lad I'll get on amazon and see what I can find
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    Grow room temps

    Mate I'm extremely jealous!
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    Grow room temps

    Ok thanks for the reply buddy.. So a more affective way from the sounds to insulate the underneath of the resevoir and keep aquarium heaters in the resevoir. Reduce air intake and go from there ?
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    Grow room temps

    Guys, the cold weather is on its way in the UK. I'm looking at the best ways to keep temps at 20-24c. I'm thinking of insulating my tent with kingspan insulation externally. Internally though, is it just as important to heat the water source aswell as the ambient temperature. Please let me know...
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    Need help all methods and suggestions welcome

    How's it looking now?? How long were you drying for?? I chopped mine last night and the main stem seemed quite dry already??
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    Water heaters

    Cheers pal I've just been looking I wasn't sure if they would be big enough but there's loads of various sizes!
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    Water heaters

    If so, what do people use for there water heaters? As warm as it is in the UK, winter will no doubt interfere with my next grow so looking for ideas. Using large wilma systems. Tia guys.
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    Need help all methods and suggestions welcome

    Cheers pal, I'm back growing after over ten years. Back in the day I didn't even know about curing! Thanks for the advice
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    Meizihi vs. Viparspectra

    Must agree , I used bestvas and find them much better
  20. E

    Need help all methods and suggestions welcome

    Legend mate,ta very much