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  1. N

    1st time grower

    thanks for the info mate is a great help. im feeding them vitalink 2part bloom and they are in plagron all in mix. How much do you think i will get from the 2 girls
  2. N

    1st time grower

    i had them in veg for 5weeks. im using a 250watt hps. when can i use a bud booster and wich 1.
  3. N

    1st time grower

    we are in to day 13. how long should i flower for.
  4. N

    1st time grower

    hi all its bin a few days since i put some up to date pics on for you to see. they both are an unknown strain but are females and thats wot counts. wot do you guys think.:joint:
  5. N

    they are female.

    thanks for the info it s a real help. do i keep the temp the same when im flowering.its in between 70 when the lights are off and 80-85 when on.
  6. N

    they are female.

    they are indoors undre 250 watt hps with a desk fan. around 6 weeks
  7. N

    they are female.

    they are on 12/12 for the last 3 days. they are around 6weeks im feeding them a light mix ov vitalink vegg and they are in plagron all in mix
  8. N

    they are female.

    thank bud how long will it be to that happens as im just a newbie.
  9. N

    they are female.

    hi to you all just thought i would drop a line to let you know that my 2 plants are female how proud am i. when do i give them bloom nutes and how much. soz no pics as my cam is out ov order.bongsmilie:mrgreen::hump:
  10. N

    any info welcome.

    they are around 5week as i was told from a mate.
  11. N

    any info welcome.

    hi there i have them in a room 1mx1.2mx2.5m height isnt a problem. i will let them vegg for a few more week then im in no rush. im going to amsterdam in 4week i want to get sum fem seeds when im there wot do you recomend. how long will flowering take?
  12. N

    any info welcome.

    iv done that with me light like you said. its around 8-10" from the top. thanks for the info its a great help. when do i give them full dose of nutes to them
  13. N

    any info welcome.

    hi to you all. this is my first grow.iv got 2 plant under a 250watt hps light. i have put a few pics for ypu to see. should i put them in to flower? any help would be great.:hump:
  14. N

    1st ever grow

    cheers mate that was a great help thank you i will try and keep up with pics and if u could keep a look out i would greatful for any further info.
  15. N

    1st ever grow

    ok thanks for that. my temp is 75-85 will this be ok. i have a fan in there with them and the light about 18" from the top. how do i top them?
  16. N

    1st ever grow

    i dont no how to take clones like i said i am very new to all this. im puttin them into flower at the end ov the week when my timer comes.
  17. N

    1st ever grow

    no not yet mate should i ?
  18. N

    1st ever grow

    thanks for that mate. i did have 3 plants but i came home from work 1 day and it had just flopped down like sum thing mad. how often do i water the? iv got them in plagron all mix. iv got sum nutes but dont no wot and when to give them.
  19. N

    1st ever grow

    hi to all you weed lovers out there. i am new to this and would like sum help with my grow. i was given these 2 plants by mate i have them under 250watt hps. wot do you all think? any help would be great :joint:.:neutral: