Search results

  1. R

    first hydro this to dense

    give it some time hommie, you'll get help.... just not from me. i was reading up on hydro. i dont know sh!t about it....yet
  2. R

    What strain are you smoking right now?

    the title says it all. but as for me..... the very herby and yummy Jack Herer
  3. R

    impress me for free glass

    iF MY "NEWBE" opinion means anything I surrender my chance to win. to nominate resinraider... love the poem resin
  4. R


    I'm new to the whole posting thing. ive viewed many forums, but never found one i cared to join. I figured I could share my knowledge with people who might care & those who do but just to stoned to remember they do. If this thread can do anything for you.... its to remind you to be social and...