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  1. SmokeySam

    Autoberry males, am I just unlucky with the females ??? :(

    Hi guys and gals, So I was trying to sex my lowryders last week, u guys helped me out with my last 2 seeds and out of 10 seeds got 8 males, other 2 seeds never germinated... how unlucky was I.. So I got me 10 natural Autoberry (Lowryder x Blueberry) seeds and my nightmares have started again...
  2. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    Well I killed the poor little males and put 2 AutoBerry (Lowryder vs Blueberry) sproutlings in the pots with some new soil... now to wait it out.... weird that yr LR aint showing sex yet at day 30 tommypd.... My LR were getting 18 hours light a day... now swtiched it to 24 hour light, makes...
  3. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    New day, new pictures also added pictures of my other Lowryder which also has balls forming I think... I cant believe out of 10 seeds... planting in pairs... all turned out male... I know u have feminized seeds, can u have the opposite ? :wall: So here are the pictures... trying to sex them...
  4. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    Well lowryders dont need change in light cycles to start flowering... they start flowering as soon as they pop out of soil, even with 24 hour light... they become no bigger then 12-15 inches I got a AMS (Anti Mold System) strain, feminized, had her vegetating a lil over a month on 18 hour...
  5. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    Would say the lowryder is at day 22-23 from popping out the soil... I start seeing these ball like flowers pretty early, within 2 weeks sometimes from sprouting seedlings... my other lowryder, which is about the same age is also showing late signs of sex, been getting less light then the other...
  6. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    It's another male LR huh :wall: ?
  7. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    better photo i hope
  8. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    Tried marking with red circles where I see with my naked eye ball like flowers forming... the next node is getting from what i can see 4-5 balls bunching up... You really messed my head with that hermie comment last time :P... am waiting it out now to see what happens... unless u can tell by...
  9. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    Ye just uploaded..u were 1 minute too fast for me :P thnx for the fast reply though... dunno how I could be stressing them... they under a 18/6 light the soil, no nutes... know light cycle dont matter for them, but got them in an area with a none lowryder strain... What else can be...
  10. SmokeySam

    Another male lowryder ???

    Hi guys and galls, Just wanted some confirmation before I KILL yet another lowryder. Really find it hard to believe am so unlucky, had 10 natural seeds, first six all male and including this one in the picture, would be 7 males. I know it is all bout luck and genetics, but really believe...
  11. SmokeySam

    Lowryder 1, male confirmation

    Thnx for the reply guys Let's hope my 3 Lowberry plants show me some female flowers next week
  12. SmokeySam

    Lowryder 1, male confirmation

    Hi guys and gals, I just need a confirmation if this lowryder #1 is a male. It's on day 20, I see the balls, but I couldn't tell right away if it was 100% male compared to the previous males I've killed. I can't believe I'm so unlucky with this strain, last 3 were also males which found a new...
  13. SmokeySam

    Bottom leaves dying / turning yellow... 3 week old female plant

    Hi all, Gonna get straight to the point, worried bout my first grow, got a 3 week, female A.M.S. strain and first pair of leaves (1 bladed), not the baby leaves, are becoming yellow and dying off Rest of the plant and leaves seem ok, just worried other leaves don't follow into their yellow...
  14. SmokeySam

    18 day old Lowryder#1, female or male confirmation pls :)

    Ty very much for the fast reply, Jah Bless
  15. SmokeySam

    18 day old Lowryder#1, female or male confirmation pls :)

    Hiya all, First of all gotta say, love this forum, so much knowledge and experiences being shared :)... just lovely Well as the title says, got a 18 day old LR#1 which started showing some balls at the top (4th node). My gut instinct tells me its a male, but would like confirmation before I...