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  1. P

    Natural Soil Enhancers...

    Is there any thing that can be put in the soil that will help the plant in any way? Like egg shells and such? Im growing in a small plant in-doors.
  2. P

    Top 10 Strains

    send me some free weed and i'll be sure to sounds like a fun experiment. untill then i have to say Blue Berry is one of my favorite weeds by far. {PEACE}
  3. P


    thanks a lot. :)
  4. P

    Males and Females

    How do you check the sex?
  5. P

    Colored Lights

    i've heard a lot about using colored lights from friends who are growers. some have claimed to stick with regular lights, some have claimed to use both at the same time, and some have claimed to alternate them. any experts have any advice about this? also, should i use colored lights for...
  6. P

    Growing tips

    thanks for all the tips.i shall read and re-read everything like a smart little
  7. P


    anyone know a good site that shows you step-by-step directions for making good hash or just have some good step-by-step directions from experience they could share with me? thanks.:joint: (smoke 2)
  8. P

    Growing tips

    :joint: hello all. i'm new on here and new to growing plants indoors. i was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to get me some tips that newbies usually have trouble with or fuck up on. i've mainly been wondering about how much i should water weekly and how often i should keep it under the...