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  1. 1337sloth

    Purple northern lights?

    Don't know who the breeder is... I picked them up at a dispensory
  2. 1337sloth

    Purple northern lights?

    okay so i have some northern lights that i noticed today has started to turn purple... is that normal? lol is there anything i can do to bring out the purple more? i also have some querkle that is already pretty purple but i'd like it to be more so lol... i've attached a pic of each...
  3. 1337sloth

    areoponics clone to soil

    So I have about 10 days before my veg room is open... When should I start cloning... How long should I give them... Any suggested nuets? I have a full range of humboldt if that helps at all...
  4. 1337sloth

    areoponics clone to soil

    Well I've got about 8 inches in between the sprayers and the top of the bin. And probably close to that to get from the sprayers to the rez... So 12 inch roots. Wouldn't be a disaster...
  5. 1337sloth

    areoponics clone to soil

    Hopefully that's a pic of the clone box set up lol needs to be a more mobile friendly way to upload ;)
  6. 1337sloth

    areoponics clone to soil

    I just got an ez clone box set up and I'm trying to decide how long to clone in the areoponics before I transplant to soil. Also does anyone have experience doing that or have any suggestions?
  7. 1337sloth

    New crop of clones, how soon should I feed?

    sorry, i'm a little stressed... i used super air pots last time. 1 transplant = less stress. [edit]i'm told these will support a 6' plant[edit] i do not know what soil they are in now, but i have sunshine soil to put them in. hmm... i've been keeping the lights a foot away from the plants, like...
  8. 1337sloth

    New crop of clones, how soon should I feed?

    BOO!!! 40+ views and not even so much as a question for me? i'm a little hurt.
  9. 1337sloth

    New crop of clones, how soon should I feed?

    Just got a new set of clones. How soon should i start feeding them? I know to start very diluted and work up but being my second crop I'm still unsure when to start feeding. i have 6 northern lights, and six querkle 2 x 400 watt mh Any suggestion on the strains would also be appreciated
  10. 1337sloth

    the never ending flowering cycle!

    well the weight is in... 674.7g harvest! with 58g of cuttings to make hash or butter or oil... i need to figure out what i'm going to do with those..
  11. 1337sloth

    1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated

    are you planning on keeping them in those pots or transplanting? i used the green super air pots (i forget how big they are) but i had a really good root system established when i cut them.
  12. 1337sloth

    the never ending flowering cycle!

    well i talked to the owner of the dispensory i go to, and he said "36 hours of dark then cut em!" worked great i think... i harvested today. i'll let you know how the drying/curing goes!
  13. 1337sloth

    the never ending flowering cycle!

    ah, i forgot to mention the strain. they are casey jones.
  14. 1337sloth

    the never ending flowering cycle!

    on Friday I will hit the 11 week mark in my flowering and I’m starting to pull my hair out waiting for it lol I followed a Humboldt professional feeding schedule, but that ended at 8 weeks and I went to straight water... I’m at 12/12 with 3 x 400 watt hps lamps tricolmes (sp?) are still clear...
  15. 1337sloth

    The growth of marijuana and the pots its growing in.

    i use super air pots. you get a smaller pot with a large root system. you can see the pots pretty well in this pic. they have cones all around with open ends, the root gets to the open part, dies, and spreds back around the cone. this makes the plants think they are in more soil then they...
  16. 1337sloth

    First time close to harvest.... but how close?

    i need a stronger magnifying glass tbh, but from what i can see the triclomes are most clear still. i'm right at 8 weeks and i was told that casey jones can be a 9-11 week flowering cycle.
  17. 1337sloth

    First time close to harvest.... but how close?

    i'm trying to figure out when i should harvest... i'm growing casey joneshere are some pictures that i just took today, let me know your thoughts or suggestions please!!!i have links to photobucket for the pictures if these aren't turning out rightthis is my first post after all.i also have more...