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  1. G

    First grow CFL

    I sure am glad your keeping up with this journal. thanks for all the help I flushed it but i wouldnt of considered it heavy, but Im gonna go back this time and flush them good thanks again. edit also can we make sure Im flushing correctly I pour 2 liters of regular water (they are 1 gallon...
  2. G

    Houston we have a problem and pics

    Okay so I have 5 plants (bag seeds) My biggest one is starting to turn yellow at the tips as well as the leaves. I think N def. let me know what you guys think. Thanks oh yea my grow journal has pics so you can see my other pics
  3. G

    First grow CFL

    here is a pic of what it looks like today most of the tips are yellow and this one leaf is the worst of it all.
  4. G

    First grow CFL

    Could it possibly be a nitrogen def. because all of the other plants are doing fine and the big one is having the problem. Maybe it needs more nutes? Anyone else concur with this new theory I have?
  5. G

    First grow CFL

    Weekly update I trimmed all the dead and dying leaves of my big plant and I now have 3 more. Let me know what you guys and gals think.
  6. G

    First grow CFL

    thanks they were drooping a little yesterday they look better today. Im gonna give it a week before I give them any more nutes. thanks to everyone for all the help and ill keep u guys posted.
  7. G

    First grow CFL

    I fert. once a week on sat is that to much? I weakend and I weakend it some as well. I was scared that this would happen someone let me know if they are still to young to fert once a week.
  8. G

    First grow CFL

    Okay so here they are at 3.5 weeks. I dont keep up with days very well I just kinda check them everyday. Some of the bottom foliage is starting to wilt on my biggest plant should I be worried its not a lot just some of the tips I think you can see some of it in the pics
  9. G

    should this be happening at week 3

    looks like lights need to be closer just my opinion
  10. G

    First time growers one step at a time

    I just started a grow and I have spent 100 bucks total and I think I have a fairly nice setup (CFLs) going and 2 strong healthy plants. Good advice
  11. G

    Im I going to have enough light?

    looks good man I think you should have enought light I only have 5 42w CFLs and yours seem to be doing about the same as mine maybe even a little better. Keep this fictional journal going
  12. G

    First grow CFL

    Thanks they are around 2 1/2 weeks and I just had 2 babies pop up from the dirt. Yea Im going to use the same cfls for flowering because they are 2700k so hopefully they will work. I have got the lights right now set to 18/6 and they are in 1 gallon pots. Once I put them in the larger pot they...
  13. G

    First grow CFL

    anymore sugestions?
  14. G

    First grow CFL

    ^ thanks, as far as topping that was my partner in crime reading high times 10 best grow secrets or something to that effect. This was mainly a test before we bought seeds but the plant on the right is starting to smell very skunky so I have my fingers crossed its female. Keep the advice...
  15. G

    First grow CFL

    Here is my setup first timer so far have 2 going 1 hanging on and a couple germing. I dont know what kind they are they were from seeds I have collected over time; but they are 2 different plants. For lights Im using 5 42w CFL and fert. and soil I got from lowes. I may have around 100 invested...
  16. G

    Noob needs opinions on my lights

    Okay first time grower the lights I have are 3 42w cfls 2700 lumens each and i think they are 2700k they are more yellow than blue 2 26w cfls 1750 lumens each and they are 4k the box is a corner cabinet and the dimensions are funny but is about 3' tall 3.5' wide and i think roughly between...
  17. G

    Long time Smoker 1st time Grower

    Hey everyone this is my 1st grow and I wanted to get some opinions on my setup. I have been reading on here for about 2 months, and decide because of my budget cfls were what I was gonna work with. I have 2 18" 15w aquarium lights 510 lumens each 2 26w CFL both 1750 lumens one is 4k and the...