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  1. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    We didn't get snow until about mid December last year, and a year or two before that I was landscaping up until almost Christmas. I'm certain all of september and october will be fine. Honestly anything above 35 degrees I'm comfortable with. I don't plan on trying to cover the plants although I...
  2. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    We got sidetracked by an ignorant troll being paranoid and having delusions of grandeur accusing two of us of being the same person, some shadowy figure from his past he argued with and thinks is stalking him through making new accounts. It was a pretty bad experience as a new member, being...
  3. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    Maine has always been a huge smoking and growing state now that it's legalized for medical with recreational in the works, it's really becoming an industry.
  4. someonestolemyhandle

    First in ground outdoor grow

    Miracle grow I'm using mostly because it's cheap available and balanced ferts. I also did a little bit of bat guano, I also initially used small amounts of ferts from general hydro/ humbolt countys own, and fox farm. I don't plan on doing anything fancy until they start budding, then I might...
  5. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    I live in Maine. Should be pretty easy to tell we aren't the same person.
  6. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    chuck estevez, post: 11770421, member: 509695"]thought you were done with this thread for the 10th time? Why do you keep coming back? why does your other account ONLY post in this thread? Funny You mention that, as I just got down painstakingly photographing all my plants, sending the pics...
  7. someonestolemyhandle

    First in ground outdoor grow

    last pics (limit ten) finally, a pic of them 27 days ago. Decent progress amirite? Can't wait to see what I get out of them come winter.
  8. someonestolemyhandle

    First in ground outdoor grow

    I would like any experienced out door growers to give me any tips and if possible a rough estimate of what I can expect to yield. (I know it's the unanswerable question - bear with me) I've done gardening for work and smoked for years so I have a pretty good handle on everything other than...
  9. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    Are there not mods on this forum who ban random trolls, memers and shit posters with delusions of grandeur and paranoia like this troll? Who actually thinks someone would make two accounts just to argue with him? Then what log in and out of them and post a single comment that sounds fucking...
  10. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    Except you're retarded, shit posting, I have one handle on this forum (what would be the point of getting two?) and just joined this site today. I have no idea who you are, who you are arguing with, or why my post upset you. Unless you are answering my question which you aren't - you are shit...
  11. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    My entire post is dedicated to asking if any conclusions were made from the experiment. I don't care to read 10 pages of arguing and shit posting, if you feel like posting memes and arguing and not advancing the conversation in any meaningful way go back to shit posting on /b please. I am not...
  12. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    Because I just started reading on this site and decided to join so as to not miss out on any good grow techniques for my girls this year. Hiding? I made a profile how am I hiding. I think you are under the assumption I am someone you were arguing with earlier using an alias. This is not the...
  13. someonestolemyhandle

    bleep boop. new to site, engage in conversation plz

    bleep boop. new to site, engage in conversation plz
  14. someonestolemyhandle

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    Quick question - was this experiment done to conclusion? What were the results? I suspect the non defoliated plant would veg a bit better, but the defoliated plant could yield more, if done partway through flowering. All I see is 10 pages of arguing, and I'm legit curious as to how the...