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  1. M

    is my plant dying

    Im Using Foxfarm seedling Soil Ph 6.7
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    is my plant dying

    i bought a ph tester my water is 6.8 and im using soil and (2) 42 watt floro lights how close should they be to not damage my baby
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    is my plant dying

    i dont have a cAmera now but its jus one week old i gave no nutes and its already growing 3 sets of true leave i can bearly see the 3 ones tho
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    is my plant dying

    hello everyone i have one plant and is groing its second set of aldult leaves they have little brown dots i was jus thinking its because their fresh and new but can someone tell my why
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    Will My Plant Die

    I Have 1 Plant And Its 1 Week Old Im Using (3) Floro Lights (2) 42 watt And (1) 26 watt Will It Die If My Lights About 3 inches Away It Looks Very Health Plz Answer Thanks
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    When Can I Start Feeding My Baby's Nutes Their About 4 Days Old

    its a feminized seed my friend bought them online
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    do my plant need a fan i have a huge growing room im using my closet

    Thanks man one more ? does it mean my baby's dying if it has golden brown hairs on it its only 5 days and the leaves im talking about are jus now growing the (1st set)
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    do my plant need a fan i have a huge growing room im using my closet

    yeah but if i have no fan will my baby die its about 5 days and its pretty healthy plz help
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    When Can I Start Feeding My Baby's Nutes Their About 4 Days Old

    i have one plant ok my two lleaves with 3 blades just start growing but they have some kind of golden hairs doesnt look crispy but hairy is my plant dying those leaves just came out thanks everyone
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    When Can I Start Feeding My Baby's Nutes Their About 4 Days Old

    Im Using (2) 42 watt cfl and their about 2-3 inches away and i have a fan blowing so pretty much good ventilation So what do you think man
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    When Can I Start Feeding My Baby's Nutes Their About 4 Days Old

    Im Glad To Be Part Of This Site How Far Away Should The Light Be From My Plants.And My Round Leaves Are Turning Brown I Will Post Pic's Too But Can Someone Please Help Me i Want To Feed Them So Bad
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    roots exposed to light

    No It Does Not Everyone Think They Know About Cannabis But They Dnt