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  1. M

    big devil auto flower pics from start to end

    hi all gonna post pics of my bds on here but im struggling to upload pics any help apreciated thanks guys good luck n b cool
  2. M

    big devil auto flower pics from start to end

    :-P sweet seeds bds 5 pack all fem all germed 9 week start to end here we go :leaf::clap::shock:lol
  3. M

    Need High Yielding AutoFlower Seed Recommendations

    big devil defo a plus 4 yeild if done in perfect conditions i have 5 on the go and there huge now at 28 days and producing bud sites all over already cant find the lead to upload gonna sort it asap an il put a pic from every week on for yous to judge they really are huge so keep a eye out folks...
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    Pandora,Russian Rocket Fuel and il Diavolo Auto Grow!

    hi a im doing big devils under a 600 watt finding it hard to get some decent info or pics of big devils plz help cheers folks
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    hi folks i am currently growing big devil auto flower there 3 week old at the mo pics coming...

    hi folks i am currently growing big devil auto flower there 3 week old at the mo pics coming soon any info on bds or auto flower in general will be apreciated as its my first auto grow any pics of other bds would b lovely to compare happy growin folks n b on da ball always cos theres to many...
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    3 Week White Rhino plant showing odd yellowing...please help!

    hi my plants are big devil and there at 3 week now an seem a lot bigger n healthier looking than yours and i havnt taken the ph level once NOT BEING NASTY MATE i jus use salted water 2 litres 5 plants every 48 hours and spray them daily i hav giv them one dose of nutes so far a tiny amount at...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    hey guys im from manchester were in general drugs are quite cheap although green prices av rocketed in the last few years i pay anywere between 130 upwards to 220 pending on quality an its safe to say blueberry and cheese are surely the most popular in all of manchester a ten bud will usually...
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    Identify Me!

    just signed up and this is the first page i looked at FUNNY GUY looks like pepsi to me lol