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  1. O

    probably the 500th noob thread on nutrients..

    yes i'm aware of that part. :) i'm using the soilless organic mix - it contains perlite and a plethora of other ingredients that are commonly used for mediums. well i just put them into flowering so should i pump up the nutrients? theyve been in veg since february or so. so should i use more...
  2. O

    probably the 500th noob thread on nutrients..

    but, i'm pretty lost when it comes to nutrients and how to properly use them. i tried looking for a dummies guide to nutrients on this forum, but to no avail, unfortunately. i'm really hoping someone can help me out and answer my questions. if there is a thread that breaks it down, and someone...
  3. O

    im bored fellow noobs lets discuss growing!

    hello fellow green thumbs. i am also a n00b/first time grower. bit of a rocky start in the beginning but everything is panning out smoothly. *knocks on wood* baby girls are growing fast. can't wait for harvest.
  4. O

    using 100% perlite for plants?

    well, my main concern was fungus/gnats. but, i switched back to soil/perlite. also, i watered the wilted plant and she's back to her perky self. :)
  5. O

    using 100% perlite for plants?

    cool, thank you!
  6. O

    using 100% perlite for plants?

    i did a search before making a completely new thread and had no luck; maybe it's blatantly obvious but i just wanted to double check. do i have to have soil for my plants? or can i use perlite? i just switched to 100% perlite and it seems one of my plants is now extremely wilted. it could be...