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  1. oikkarok

    Super Silver Haze- 5 Weeks into Flowering

    I'm smoked Super Silver Haze last summer in Amsterdam... FABULOUS!!!
  2. oikkarok

    Outdoor competition 08

    ehmm i'm in Italy... if you are in Michigan i think i'm more south than you
  3. oikkarok

    Rose Bush Coverup

    This is a problem! How long your plants have direct solar light? Less of 5 hours is bad...
  4. oikkarok

    First grow - what you guys think?

    When they're born? The first seems pretty good!!! The second plant is tall and the internodes maybe are too distant. Perhaps she doesn't receive enough Sun.
  5. oikkarok

    using garbage bags to force outdoor 12/12

    Are your babies in vase? Can you move your plants in a dark room and then newly out??
  6. oikkarok

    Outdoor competition 08

    these are others two photos of my pretty WW: Thx Tampicos, I hope she's bomb!
  7. oikkarok

    Outdoor competition 08

    oh no, only one WW. The others two are unknown strain: One is 1.8m, while the other one is about 1.5m
  8. oikkarok

    Outdoor competition 08

    This is my WW outdoor
  9. oikkarok

    high altitude growing

  10. oikkarok

    Lowryder#2 5 weeks from seed. Inputs please?

    Well, in vege you need more N so a NPK 7-5-5 is good. When your plant is in bloom you must use more P and K and less N. N is very important in vege but in flowering it can delay the bloom. P.S. I'm sorry for my english but i don't speak it very well (i'm italian out grower)