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  1. Z

    CM mother plants problem

    hello to all! so..those 2 CM mother plants are grown from clones repoted 1 and a half month ago in plantela dirt...i didnt feed em at all...only PH 6.3 water hesi super vit and some hesi root..problem started about 10 days ago..... first botom leaves start yelowing and after new shots started to...
  2. Z

    cal mag vs epsom salt

    can any1 of u put the link of online store anywere in europe (pref. nl.) were i can buy cal/mag? twm
  3. Z

    CM clones on coco

    hello cm lovers ..just started my first cm grow on coco pots..(mr.nice seeds) i am using canna nutes a+b,rizo,boost and zim ... got 38 clones in 190x190 tent under 4x400 hps was in 5 day veg in coco just using rizo 150 mg/50l tank temp. is 15.6C night 26C day i am in 5 day flower right...
  4. Z

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    after 10 days my clone is covered whit some kind of mold... pls help..what is this ? how to cure it?