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  1. sisimarcos

    nuteburn? ph? what?!

    Thanks mannurse, that seems to be sound advice. I was myself worried about flushing the soil but never was sure. I will be doing as you say. Its my first grow you see.
  2. sisimarcos

    125 Watt Compact Fluorescent Grow Light

    Stelthy, I am 33 days into a similar grow. I have a self made tent aprox. 1ft by 2ft, but quite taller. I cant quite workout for sure how much headroom you have but bear in mind that 12" to 16" is expected. Will you need an extra foot from the tip of the plant to the light source in a CFL. I...
  3. sisimarcos

    nuteburn? ph? what?!

    Could it be that the root system is not large enough, i explain. While it was a seedling and small plant it had only 40W of cfl, and now it is growing much faster with 125W of cfl. As roots develop early could it be that the leaves are growing faster than the root systtem can manage to supply?
  4. sisimarcos

    mystery problem

    I take on board your advice itzCESAR, I am still undecided on what the casue is and what action to take. Ill let it evolve a couple of days see if the symptons get a bit clearrer. Thanks. ps. I just had an idea of something that could be having a impact. During seedling stage the lighting it...
  5. sisimarcos

    nuteburn? ph? what?!

    33 days, i water her every other day and rarely any water comes out of the bottom of the pot holes. Ive read they cope better with being slightly underwatered than overwatered so i have been extra careful.
  6. sisimarcos

    125 Watt Compact Fluorescent Grow Light

    Whitey111, I got a similar set up, and aside of the limitation of space that only allows for a couple of smallish plants my beauties are thriving. For the area you are using it is plenty of light. One thing you need to bear in mind though with small tents is air circulation, heat buildup and...
  7. sisimarcos

    nuteburn? ph? what?!

    Worried about my babe... New growth of leaves have yellow tips. Don't know what could be the problem. Too much nutes perhaps? I am using a 2ml per liter dilution of biobizz bio bloom NPK 2-6-3.5. I am using soil and the temperature is a steady 20 celsius. I need help, its my first and only...
  8. sisimarcos

    mystery problem

    Thanks for the input crazyhaze! You were right, the turned greener with time. now it is only the tips that are yellowing in the new growth. I am suspecting nuteburn or ph problems. I am gonna post some pics and go get a ph tester from the garden centre.
  9. sisimarcos

    mystery problem

    Hi everyone, I am a newbie grower with my very first plant, a lowryder2. I am taking good care of her and checking every day (maybe i am getting a bit obsessed). Anyhow, its 30 days since planted as a seed and after being first in sunlight (er... sort of. UK winter), then a couple of 20W cfls...