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  1. Nevergofullretard

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks Longknife! I tested my Ph and i was at like 4.... I have drained and refilled my waterfarm and im trying to recover her. (she is still pissed) hopefully I still can.
  2. Nevergofullretard

    Help first time grower 6 weeks into flowering

    I drilled some holes on the bottom to allow more room for the roots.... and i put a bubbler on the bottom to give her some more oxygen.... Do you guys think i should just harvest early or wait it out? I apprecaite all the help guys!
  3. Nevergofullretard

    Help first time grower 6 weeks into flowering

    thanks guys I have her sitting in a waterfarm pumping non stop? Could she be too big for her own good?
  4. Nevergofullretard

    Help first time grower 6 weeks into flowering

    Whats up everybody? I need some help im in my 6th week of flowering and i noticed the leaves are starting to droop. any suggestions?
  5. Nevergofullretard

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up everybody? I need some help im in my 6th week of flowering and i noticed the leaves are starting to droop. any suggestions?