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  1. Stony Stevenson

    Welcome New Members!

    Howdoo mis compadres. I have been researching pretty intensely the past two weeks, at which point a random spark of inspiration notified me I'd be growing some pot for my girlfriend and I in our bedroom. It is to be a cabinet-grow, and it shall bring us a bounty of joyous and scintillating...
  2. Stony Stevenson

    n00b Dilemmas.

    'ello friends. First post, first grow, still in the designing stages here. I've traversed a few sites and I definitely dig this one best. Onwards! I'm doing a cab-grow, 2x2.5x4', carb-filtered, passive intake with at least 60 CFM of exhaust going. It's getting colder than a witch's tit...