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  1. R

    wheres the best and most reliable place to get your seeds from?

    comments on thegeneral reliability of placein orders at seedbanks and having them make it through ilive in oz but results from anywhere will do ive bought two but i want to know if wits worth ordering l
  2. R

    Male or Female? First time grower, can't tell!!

    They both have the same features and I thought that they had male organs but the tops look like they're budding so I'm really confused.. Is it nug or testies?? Thanks in advance
  3. R

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    A large white seed comes out. I then decide the check the other plant also. Another large white seed comes out of the main steam. now these things are hard as a rock, I don't think i could crack them if i wanted to. so i decided to get a little experiment going.:bigjoint: So i germinated them...