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  1. P

    how to dry trimmings for hash?

    Throw it in the freezer and throw the freezer away.....oops
  2. P

    Ready for Harvest???

    Thanks for all the great advice. Happy days
  3. P

    Ready for Harvest???

    Oops, posted pics twice. Sorry
  4. P

    Ready for Harvest???

    Hey People, Just want some advice.Are these bad girl ready to pull and harvest? First grow.. Growing The Ultimate. Day 46 of flowering. Tricones seem to be still mostly clear but as you can see the pistles are browning.
  5. P

    Kilo Of Stinking Bud With Loads Of Pics!

    Geez...Take a chill pill. Go skin up
  6. P

    Male or Female

    Thanks for all your replies and help guys...I did kill that fucker but cried as it went in the compost. It will decompose and help another.
  7. P

    Male or Female

    K...with a normal disinfectant?
  8. P

    Male or Female

    Will I need to disinfect grow box before next attempt?
  9. P

    Male or Female

    Will do . Gd info. Only put him on 12/12 a few days ago
  10. P

    Male or Female

    Handsome guy tho, you must agree
  11. P

    Male or Female

    Vegged for tooo long. Trying dif set ups too...Lots to learn
  12. P

    Male or Female

    Lol thought so....first grow....Thx..I think
  13. P

    Male or Female

    Hey peeps, Can a few of you pro's look at my poor testi ridden baby and give me the bad news? I guess I can take it....Many thanks in advance P9